New member
I can give him a firm boot in the ass if you need me.
LOL and tell him that's from snake... out of the blue that would be funny
I can give him a firm boot in the ass if you need me.
I can give him a firm boot in the ass if you need me.
Video please! :toast:
Was just about to post. I'll see if I can get my wife to play along tonight or tomorrow so she can record it.
I normally dont like bringing site business elsewhere but I want to make one thing very clear.
Powerstroke.org site staff does not support CFD in any way shape or form.
In fact we are working with AG to get them removed as a vendor.
However that being said we do have to enforce CoC. We are not protecting crooked vendors in any way. Never have. Tom of all people should know that
Just for the record, I've not been banned or given an infraction there... yet.But Simply "bumping" a thread that is against CFD is grounds for a ban? The message telling me I'm banned was "coc read it" was very rude. Everyone that spoke about CFD in a negative tone was also banned. If we say anything negative against them we get a "infraction". So tell me again how y'all don't support CFD....:doh:
Tom of all people should know that
Ok so fun story:
They have posted pics of H&S dual fueler and claiming it as their own!
So when they had my hs dual fueler in their shop, they either copied it 100% or something..
I'm sure there's patents.. Bentley would probably like to know! Haha
Wonder who the one person is that voted against CFD's banning from .org? LOL LOL LOL
Where was this at? Hahaha
in a thread to get CFD removed, lol. I understand it, but it's still funny to me.KEEP TO THE TOPIC OF THE THREAD and NO MUD SLINGING OR BASHING!
Wonder who the one person is that voted against CFD's banning from .org? LOL LOL LOL