Have to admit, I'm impressed things held together. I'll be more impressed if the wick stays turned up like that and they daily drive it for a few months. Pushing a 8-9000 lb truck around every day is where the real test is.
From where CFD, SPE? I want the H&S setup and their custom tuning. I already have the mini max just need to get the unlock code for the MCC tuning.
From where CFD, SPE? I want the H&S setup and their custom tuning. I already have the mini max just need to get the unlock code for the MCC tuning.
SPE has also said they are making a single drop in replacement and a larger single capable of higher HP.
SPE is not doing twins...... at least that doesn't seem to be their focus at the moment. They're doing a 66mm single and a 71mm single. They're doing a twin setup on the DPC truck
Precisely. This stuff takes time and testing, which it doesn't seem like the CFD kit did..
They have their reasons for not going with the EFR. They can post if they want about it.
Yeah that definitely not the proper way to do it... totally bass ackwards on their part LOL