best nozzle for pmrs.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Thats some diff. From DD 310 to the 478. I assume that was on purpose ?
My DD dynoed 303 on a DJ.

Where are you coming up with that as a quantity being high? If your dd tune is over 300hp and you think you're gonna lay down 360 with a race file you're high. At 303, you're tapped out, or damn near. I wouldnt think in labels put on stock tunes for.a.stock truck. A 50hp tune.means absolutely nothing on a truck with upgraded injectors.

Im with Joe, those numbers for 160/100 seem high. As in 20hp high. Especially on an otherwise stock truck. Big oil and a 38r would make it.more plausible but 160cc and a 100 over nozzle doesnt leave much fuel. Im probably way wrong but having run a set of 175/80s and putting a 100 over nozzle on the same set was right at 400hp. I could get more but pw was getting longer and smoky. No thanks.


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May 23, 2011
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So Curtis, are you going to start offering these tunes? If you can make a that cool and clean why not? I know you dont.want to blow anybodies truck up but isnt.that part of modding, its on you.

I just don't have the time. There's a very select few trucks that I have tuned, and even getting updates or modifications sometimes takes a while depending on what I have going on.

Plus my tuning isn't perfect. I've burned chips for folks and have them come back with various quirks and issues. I know all pro tuners run into that as well, but my level of experience isn't what it is with the pros who do this for a living. I'm still a novice, and have a lot yet to learn.

So for now I just do it more as a hobby for my own personal satisfaction. I'm selfish :pimp:

under pressure

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Oct 4, 2012
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Where are you coming
Im with Joe, those numbers for 160/100 seem high. As in 20hp high. Especially on an otherwise stock truck. Big oil and a 38r would make it.more plausible but 160cc and a 100 over nozzle doesnt leave much fuel. Im probably way wrong but having run a set of 175/80s and putting a 100 over nozzle on the same set was right at 400hp. I could get more but pw was getting longer and smoky. QUOTE]

Were these canned tunes ? By ?
Was 175/100 @ 400 clean ?

I ask as PHP dynoed 399 clean on 160/stock nozzle. Live tuned
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Jun 23, 2011
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No they werent canned tunes. What you just posted doesnt make a point but rather reinforces what Im saying. Yes ~410hp CLEAN. Tuned how I liked the numbers were secondary.

Aaaand my point is you arent going to make much more with stock fuel. Some trucks dont dyno 300hp with stock parts. So you.can call.the tune whatever you want but you have 146cc of fuel and no wheel is going to.change.that. Just like running a 38r more air than fuel.
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May 18, 2011
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Bend, OR
A 180/100 injector is NOT a 450hp injector. You may have a fluke here and there, but for the most part that is a 425-430hp set up.


In the Brig (Banned)
Oct 23, 2012
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A 180/100 injector is NOT a 450hp injector. You may have a fluke here and there, but for the most part that is a 425-430hp set up.

Not saying your wrong, but if a 160/30 injector is a 400whp injector, then how is a 180/100 injector not a 450(ish) hp injector?


In the Brig (Banned)
Oct 23, 2012
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So a truck can physically keep up w/ a 160/30 better than a 180/100 w/ stock fuel setup, causing a decrease in hp/tq w/ too large of injectors and nozzles?
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under pressure

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Oct 4, 2012
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No they werent canned tunes. What you just posted doesnt make a point but rather reinforces what Im saying. Yes ~410hp CLEAN. Tuned how I liked the numbers were secondary.

Aaaand my point is you arent going to make much more with stock fuel. Some trucks dont dyno 300hp with stock parts. So you.can call.the tune whatever you want but you have 146cc of fuel and no wheel is going to.change.that. Just like running a 38r more air than fuel.

were discussing nozzles with 180cc of fuel,,,, opinions on capabilities, CP and tunning is the info im after.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Sorry, i had 175cc. Changing nozzles gained nothing. The truck all things the.same was hotter and smokier with 100% nozzles, holding the injector open seemed pointless since the injector was empty. I was told after the fact by someone with better knowledge base than my own that anything over 30% on a 160cc(ac) injector is pointless as it is draining the injector.

If you wanna run a 180/100, go ahead, it will net you about 425hp. If dyno #'s give you a warm fuzzy feeling being higher than that buy bigger injectors or find a dyno that will spit out the numbers you want.


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May 23, 2011
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Not saying your wrong, but if a 160/30 injector is a 400whp injector, then how is a 180/100 injector not a 450(ish) hp injector?

You might get close to 400hp on 160/30's IF you can maintain 3,000 psi of ICP. For most the PW is just too wide that the stock HPOP just can't maintain pressure, and most will dyno around 380. Just like stock injectors are typically seeing around 325hp. Add big oil and you can reach 350hp because now you can maintain pressure.

That number is also backed up by track times. Most out here at altitude with those injectors run low 15's in the 1/4, which is in that 380hp range.

180/100's typically peak at about 425hp or so, maybe a tad more if you can keep oil pressure up.


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May 23, 2011
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Sorry, i had 175cc. Changing nozzles gained nothing. The truck all things the.same was hotter and smokier with 100% nozzles, holding the injector open seemed pointless since the injector was empty. I was told after the fact by someone with better knowledge base than my own that anything over 30% on a 160cc(ac) injector is pointless as it is draining the injector.

That's not the injector, that's a tuning problem. 100% nozzles on a 160 cc injector will empty faster. If the tuning isn't updated for the change in nozzle size, then yes you'll have a smokey pig turd because the injector pw is far too wide.

Dial the tuning in correctly for those nozzles and you'll have a truck that runs great, and can make power without smoking everyone out and run cooler EGT's. 100% nozzles on a 160 cc injector is a fantastic combo.

under pressure

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Oct 4, 2012
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so lets take the hp goal out of the equation. Live tuned, it will drive and feel how i want it too, at that point the number will just be what it is using 180cc injectors. That said, the 200 nozzle has shown to do everything the 100 can do, just better from what ive gathered.
Easier on hpo
cooler egts
lower CP

anything im missing ? mileage ?


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Jun 23, 2011
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That's not the injector, that's a tuning problem. 100% nozzles on a 160 cc injector will empty faster. If the tuning isn't updated for the change in nozzle size, then yes you'll have a smokey pig turd because the injector pw is far too wide.

Dial the tuning in correctly for those nozzles and you'll have a truck that runs great, and can make power without smoking everyone out and run cooler EGT's. 100% nozzles on a 160 cc injector is a fantastic combo.

It was retuned. Pw was never wide. I suppose it was wider than the injector could support in combination with inadequate hpo. At wot I did have trouble maintaining icp in the hottest tune. But the one below that, no troubles. I like my tuning clean, fwiw.


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May 23, 2011
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It was retuned. Pw was never wide. I suppose it was wider than the injector could support in combination with inadequate hpo. At wot I did have trouble maintaining icp in the hottest tune. But the one below that, no troubles. I like my tuning clean, fwiw.

Unless you had a very weak HPOP, your hottest tune should have held ICP with no problem on a bone stock pump.

Since it didn't, the tuning was most likely running far too much PW for that injector/nozzle combo. If you do that on any injector, regardless of nozzle size, you'll always have trouble maintaining ICP on a stock pump, and you'll always have a smokey pig.


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May 23, 2011
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so lets take the hp goal out of the equation. Live tuned, it will drive and feel how i want it too, at that point the number will just be what it is using 180cc injectors. That said, the 200 nozzle has shown to do everything the 100 can do, just better from what ive gathered.
Easier on hpo
cooler egts
lower CP

anything im missing ? mileage ?

With larger nozzles there can be some things you might have to sacrifice. For me, fuel mileage stayed the same, but here's some things to consider:

One for certain is cold start white smoke in the winter. That's just a given. You can reduce it with tuning up to a point, but it's always going to blow more white smoke in the dead of winter on a cold morning than a truck with much smaller nozzles. Not a big deal for me at least, I went from a medium amount of white smoke to a larger amount. Still smells like crap, and still pisses the neighbors off just the same I'm sure. Although it's never once made yellow snow like the stock injectors did. Still trying to figure that one out.

Idle quality is another. It can be a bit tricky getting it to idle smooth as glass. Then you get it smoothed out, a 4 hour road trip returning to idle gets a bit of a chop that comes right back again.

But really the main thing is getting the tuning dialed in to a safe level. It really doesn't take much at all to dump a lot of fuel in a hurry. So pick a good tuner and make sure you let them know exactly what you are trying to accomplish.

That being said, there is no guarantee that something won't break. They are PMR's after all.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Under 3ms? It was most responsive from 2.0 ms to 2.5ms. It would get near 3 and the egts would.creep up and typically, in the hot tune, icp would drop and settle out around 2700psi. Then id let out of it. Ive already gave up on those injectors and will be going to the hybrid camp. Lookin for 500hp.


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May 23, 2011
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Under 3ms? It was most responsive from 2.0 ms to 2.5ms. It would get near 3 and the egts would.creep up and typically, in the hot tune, icp would drop and settle out around 2700psi. Then id let out of it. Ive already gave up on those injectors and will be going to the hybrid camp. Lookin for 500hp.

Yep, should be able to do it in under 3 ms. Heck a hybrid with 100% nozzles dumps 160cc's in 2.5ms. With 200% nozzles that same hybrid can dump 200cc's in less than 2.5ms.

PW on my truck is capped at 2.4ms in the hottest tune, and it's just under 500hp. Plus I'm running a bone stock 17 degree HPOP that holds 3,000 psi of ICP rock solid. Just sayin', bigger nozzles doesn't equate to smoke, high EGT's, and/or low ICP. It's all in the tuning, assuming that everything is working properly of course. Keep that PW in check with larger nozzles.


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Jun 23, 2011
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We're on the same page. My pw was under 3ms. The next tune down was void of heat and smoke issues. Well with a new srp1 and 275/200s I should be able to hit 500@ a short pw duration.

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