Thats some diff. From DD 310 to the 478. I assume that was on purpose ?
My DD dynoed 303 on a DJ.
Where are you coming up with that as a quantity being high? If your dd tune is over 300hp and you think you're gonna lay down 360 with a race file you're high. At 303, you're tapped out, or damn near. I wouldnt think in labels put on stock tunes for.a.stock truck. A 50hp tune.means absolutely nothing on a truck with upgraded injectors.
Im with Joe, those numbers for 160/100 seem high. As in 20hp high. Especially on an otherwise stock truck. Big oil and a 38r would make it.more plausible but 160cc and a 100 over nozzle doesnt leave much fuel. Im probably way wrong but having run a set of 175/80s and putting a 100 over nozzle on the same set was right at 400hp. I could get more but pw was getting longer and smoky. No thanks.