SVTDANNY: you really need to understand where these guys are coming from. I've cracked a couple blocks myself, one being my own. Threads are perfectly clean prior, engine oil applied to block side threads, top of studs marked to ensure they don't thread in further, and enough assy lube to where it squishes out of the bottom and top of threads as well as top and bottom of the washers. Torqued to 210 lb/ft knowing for a fact that studs did not bottom out, and still got small cracks. Cooling system sealer stopped mine, but the customers' block had to be replaced. Both of the guys you're arguing with are well known performance shop owners and engine builders. I can't say how many engines Morgan has built, but just as a reference, Tadd (fast6.0) designed the first 6.4 studs, and has built dozens of 6.4 race engines.