You do not need that much lube. Period. All that is requires is a film between the surfaces. Any more and it's just waste.
exactly and of the excess is just wiped off the threads anyway and just makes a mess.
You do not need that much lube. Period. All that is requires is a film between the surfaces. Any more and it's just waste.
For anyone interested in installing ARP studs the proper way, and not this "Make up my own torque for each stud" voodoo half assed bull****,
All 20 of my studs are torqued to 275 ft/lbs. The only cracking noise heard was the torque wrench breaking away.
Throw the lube packets that ARP sends with the studs in the garbage. Buy one of these cans. The packets are enough for maybe 2 studs each if you are doing it the right way.
Clean out the block holes with brake clean and air until it comes out clear. It took 5 rounds of this on my personal truck.
Put the heads on.
Spray the studs off with brake clean and blow off with air. Get all the oil and grime off of them from the box. Thread the studs down into the block a little ways. Slather the top of the stud in lube. Thread the stud in until it bottoms out. Slather the washers in lube. Slather the nuts in lube. This is how much lube you need to use on each stud (AKA - a LOT)
Torque them down according to ARP spec sheet, enjoy a properly installed set of studs that isn't warping your heads and that didn't crack your block.
Anyone else that wants to join the internet sheep and do this the wrong way, go right ahead. Don't say you were never shown the proper way to install ARP studs though.
A stud install is a stud install is a stud install. People do them wrong ALL THE TIME, and crack blocks ALL THE TIME. I know this from my own "considerable amount of experience and knowledge." The 6.4 is no different, as you see by these "experts" that apparently have piles and piles of cracked blocks just laying around.
Now that I've provided an instruction manual on the PROPER way to install studs, I'm done posting. The information is there if anyone wants it. I'll make sure and come back to read what the internet experts and their sheep have to say though, always good for a laugh.
You do not need that much lube. Period. All that is requires is a film between the surfaces. Any more and it's just waste.
A stud install is a stud install is a stud install. People do them wrong ALL THE TIME, and crack blocks ALL THE TIME. I know this from my own "considerable amount of experience and knowledge." The 6.4 is no different, as you see by these "experts" that apparently have piles and piles of cracked blocks just laying around.
Now that I've provided an instruction manual on the PROPER way to install studs, I'm done posting. The information is there if anyone wants it. I'll make sure and come back to read what the internet experts and their sheep have to say though, always good for a laugh.
Your an idiot.
Thanks you for sharing exactly what everyone else already knows how to do.
Now, not that I would ever hope this on anyone. You gonna let us know when your engine starts dropping coolant level?
We do all the same exact stuff you just posted. Long before you've ever touched a 6.4. Btw, when did you stud your first 6.4? We used 325 when they called for it, 275 when we called for it. After having various engines come in previously studded from other "moms driveway diesel performance" shops with cracked blocks we went into further detail as to why.
How many 6.4's you studded?
Call me back when you've done over a 100 studs jobs with zero blown gaskets.
Then you can tell me how great of an expert you are.
You ego is so big right now you should probably watch the ceiling so you don't hit.
Thanks for regurgitating the same info everyone knows. Now when you have something original and smart to say, your welcome to come back a little more humble.
You still never answered Wayne's question. When he used locktite to hold the stud in the block and it doesn't turn and bottom out, then why did he still get a cracked block?
Thanks for proving nothing, other than your ignorance.
Hey douchebag, my truck still has the first set of ARPs in it. Love you
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I think he got scared awayopcorn:
Once a expert shad tree imagineer always a expert!
Hey now he has done a few stud jobs on 4 cyl vw's and they went well so these 6.4's can't be any different. Once a expert shad tree imagineer always a expert!