pulled the rear crank today and with Morgan's help I believe we found the problem.
The rear crank adapter has a dowel hole in it. But there is not a dowel pin on the crank. Some cranks have a hole in them and some do not. Lances did not. The dowel hole on the adapter is suppose to be 180* away from the key way on the crank gear.
Our theory was that when the crank adapter was removed to time the motor it was put on incorrectly causing the flex plate to not be installed correctly.
So to test this theory I had to remove the crank adapter to see the end of the crank and see the crank gear key way. What I found could be our issue.
Here is a diagram that Morgan made to show the proper location of the crank adapter dowel and the crank gear key way. (note the location of the key way and the dowel hole, 180* apart)
now this is lances motor (note it is 180* off the correct location)
this is with the adapter installed to give you a better idea