Ok one thing I haven't seen answered, is there any difference between using an LLY or an LBZ turbo when doing the durastroke? Sorry, I'm not very versed in the d-max turbos.- This came in my inbox as a question from Mdub707. Why it hasn't shown up on the thread, I don't know. The post before this one is the answer to his question.
I deleted it after I asked, thought it should be in a different thread, but it's fine, thanks for the answer.
Not sure I understand,PM me and explain what you want.Thanks
Well I think the right answer here would be to just contact Adrian and ask as I am pretty sure he can get you either.
Nevertheless, I dont think he has anything as formal as an actual order form and website yet. Also, IMO, I dont believe there is really gonna be a big enough difference between the two (.7mm on the inducer) to say for sure that the LLY has a measureable gain over the LBZ, but I can totally understand wanting the bigger of the two. I know you can get batmowheels for both if you like as well.
I sent him a PM at the beginning of the week asking questions, still waiting. I know he's busy though, so I'll just sit back and listen.
Other than that, the info still seems unclear on a lot of things. Like for instance someone just said the LLY was .5mm bigger, you're saying it's .7mm bigger, no idea what we're getting if we buy one, etc... are we getting new parts, used parts, remans???? I'm sure in due time we will find out these answers but you can see where the impatience from a lot of guys is coming from.
Basically I asked if he had any testers running the GOGO...I was told he didn't need any more testers since the Durastroke was "done". Dated thru PMs on .ORG April 23rd.
I didn't specifically ask to test it for free. I was offering my vehicle as a platform with different mods to test. I'm sure we could have reached some sort of agreeable terms and conditions.
I have been following these for quite awhile. I know he is busy, I didn't pound down the door like a school girl crying to get one. Figured if I wasn't the "in" crowd then screw it. Only the select few.
Since the additional posts about the airflow and dyno numbers were coming out I wanted to address the manifold.
MAYBE...JUST F-N MAYBE someone could turn 500+ with the Durastoke on stock sticks...155s???...what would that do for us??
I am still trying to wrap my head around this 500 on stock sticks now. For years it was beaten into everyone's head there wasn't enough fuel in stock sticks to go past 420-430rwhp. Then FICM tuning came out, and we gained a little more. I was always under the assumption it was a fueling issue, not an air issue, now we're gunning for 500 on stock sticks? It's GREAT news, but you can see why some guys are skeptical and asking a lot of questions. So for you guys involved with the creation and testing of the durastroke turbo's, don't take it the wrong way, we've just been taught certain things for a long time and this is breaking the mold! It's all good! :rockon: