
Active member
May 22, 2011
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Middle, VA
Did you ask for a free turbo or offer to pay for one?

When was that?? Did you call?? What exactly did you try to do to get one?? Adrian is a one man band and up until just recently has been swamped with trying to get these things brought to the market. I can assure you that he hasnt been dicking the dog on this and if you are serious about getting one, PM either him or me and I'll give you his phone number and then you can call him yourself. Otherwise dont be a b!tch.

Basically I asked if he had any testers running the GOGO...I was told he didn't need any more testers since the Durastroke was "done". Dated thru PMs on .ORG April 23rd.

I didn't specifically ask to test it for free. I was offering my vehicle as a platform with different mods to test. I'm sure we could have reached some sort of agreeable terms and conditions.

I have been following these for quite awhile. I know he is busy, I didn't pound down the door like a school girl crying to get one. Figured if I wasn't the "in" crowd then screw it. Only the select few.

Since the additional posts about the airflow and dyno numbers were coming out I wanted to address the manifold.

MAYBE...JUST F-N MAYBE someone could turn 500+ with the Durastoke on stock sticks...155s???...what would that do for us??


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May 18, 2011
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Mohawk NY
Ok one thing I haven't seen answered, is there any difference between using an LLY or an LBZ turbo when doing the durastroke? Sorry, I'm not very versed in the d-max turbos.- This came in my inbox as a question from Mdub707. Why it hasn't shown up on the thread, I don't know. The post before this one is the answer to his question.

I deleted it after I asked, thought it should be in a different thread, but it's fine, thanks for the answer.

Not sure I understand,PM me and explain what you want.Thanks

Well I think the right answer here would be to just contact Adrian and ask as I am pretty sure he can get you either.

Nevertheless, I dont think he has anything as formal as an actual order form and website yet. Also, IMO, I dont believe there is really gonna be a big enough difference between the two (.7mm on the inducer) to say for sure that the LLY has a measureable gain over the LBZ, but I can totally understand wanting the bigger of the two. I know you can get batmowheels for both if you like as well.

I sent him a PM at the beginning of the week asking questions, still waiting. I know he's busy though, so I'll just sit back and listen.

Other than that, the info still seems unclear on a lot of things. Like for instance someone just said the LLY was .5mm bigger, you're saying it's .7mm bigger, no idea what we're getting if we buy one, etc... are we getting new parts, used parts, remans???? I'm sure in due time we will find out these answers but you can see where the impatience from a lot of guys is coming from.

Basically I asked if he had any testers running the GOGO...I was told he didn't need any more testers since the Durastroke was "done". Dated thru PMs on .ORG April 23rd.

I didn't specifically ask to test it for free. I was offering my vehicle as a platform with different mods to test. I'm sure we could have reached some sort of agreeable terms and conditions.

I have been following these for quite awhile. I know he is busy, I didn't pound down the door like a school girl crying to get one. Figured if I wasn't the "in" crowd then screw it. Only the select few.

Since the additional posts about the airflow and dyno numbers were coming out I wanted to address the manifold.

MAYBE...JUST F-N MAYBE someone could turn 500+ with the Durastoke on stock sticks...155s???...what would that do for us??

I am still trying to wrap my head around this 500 on stock sticks now. For years it was beaten into everyone's head there wasn't enough fuel in stock sticks to go past 420-430rwhp. Then FICM tuning came out, and we gained a little more. I was always under the assumption it was a fueling issue, not an air issue, now we're gunning for 500 on stock sticks? It's GREAT news, but you can see why some guys are skeptical and asking a lot of questions. So for you guys involved with the creation and testing of the durastroke turbo's, don't take it the wrong way, we've just been taught certain things for a long time and this is breaking the mold! It's all good! :rockon:


Active member
May 22, 2011
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Middle, VA
The earth is flat.......FAIL!!

Man will never fly in the air....FAIL!!

500hp on stock sticks.....

525 with 175 stock nozzles and a stage 2.............

Added to the list.


Active member
May 18, 2011
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Mohawk NY
That 525 is not on stock sticks. So 25hp more with a larger injector and larger turbo?? That's an expensive 25HP. I'd rather change my tune and slap a nitrous tank on.


In the Brig (Banned)
Sep 27, 2011
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600 bucks to mod stock injectors to 175 stock nozzles, and 1100 turbo. Going to be the new dd, smoke free, towing setup for 500+rwhp.


Active member
May 18, 2011
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Mohawk NY
Or $700 for the stage 1 and use stock sticks and hit 500? That seems like a huge jump to get 25 more HP. No?

I'm not doubting it as being an awesome setup, just hard to swallow the $1000 more for 25hp more.


In the Brig (Banned)
Sep 27, 2011
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Stock sticks and the stage one is a sweet combo as well and is more than knockin on the 500 door. But to be over the 500 mark consistently in any conditions it's gonna take a little more fuel. The mere thought of 500whp with stock nozzles has been a joke until here recently.


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May 18, 2011
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Mohawk NY
No doubt, and I think that's why these guys are getting hammered with questions. It's all for the good though.

I wonder how the durastroke would fair with the same injector setup then, might not need that stage 2 (built from the 4088?).


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Jul 27, 2011
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Other than that, the info still seems unclear on a lot of things. Like for instance someone just said the LLY was .5mm bigger, you're saying it's .7mm bigger, no idea what we're getting if we buy one, etc... are we getting new parts, used parts, remans???? I'm sure in due time we will find out these answers but you can see where the impatience from a lot of guys is coming from.

Ok now this I totally understand and can see/feel the fustration for sure. The thing to keep in mind here is that these are NOT necessarily "new" manufactured turbos but are considered turbo "modifications". For simplicity sake, let's talk about one turbo at a time.

MTW Stage 1: Ok this turbo can be made from a "NEW" or "USED" stock powerstroke turbo and/or a "NEW" or "USED" stock duramax turbo that came from either a LBZ or LLY motor (I dont know if/should Adrian modify other dmax turbos). I can tell you for the price of $700 a "USED" turbo from both trucks is what is being talked about. Now what I do know happens is that the housings are fully cleaned (dont know about sand blasting or not as the one I am running was but it may not be for all so dont quote me on whether the housing are or are not sandblasted) and all the black soot and what have you gets removed. The bearings and seals are all gone through and replaced so those are all new. However the housings and wheels (unless upgraded to a batmowheel or something) are all "USED". Now the LBZ actually measured out at 62.8mm (inducer) x 88.0mm (exducer). The LLY actually measured out at 63.5mm (inducer) x 88.0mm (exducer). I believe people call the LBZ a "63mm" but it is just under that, hence the .5mm or .7mm.

MTW Stage 2: This turbo can be made from again a new or used stock powerstroke and/or a new or used gt4088 turbo. The price of $1500 is for a new gt4088 compressor end put onto a used powerstroke turbine end. Again the same cleaning/rebuilding process is all done with this turbo as well.All turbos carry a 6 month warranty on workmanship. The Stage 2 compressor is 64.7mm (inducer) x 88.0mm (exducer).

Hopefully this helps clear things up a little more.


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Apr 23, 2012
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Ok,here's an update to let the members know whats happening.Since Matt ran his truck,he's been trying to figure what happened.His truck would only build 26psi boost and on street hit 30-32 psi.Well it alittle hard to figure and Bill from PHP said his truck runs great on street but put it on Dyno and 22 psi.It's not the turbo and we have alot of things trying to figure this out.We think one reason could be the ECM not leting the turbo make full power on dyno but why?The other reason is might be Dyno,not loading up right,or possilbly both.Bill is loading truck up and taking to TS drag day tomorrow and see what track time will show.It least we will know if it's the dyno,if he gets boost up and gets good numbers.This all part of test and tune,the main thing is these turbos are just nasty,and put alot of air.One theory about ECM is that the turbos are putting so much air that the ECM is freaking out and cutting duty cycle on the VGT actuator.The other theory is the turbos are putting out so much air flow that,the ecm sees it as a non vgt since they are not suppose to put that much air.Well at least the turbos are go now it's the working together to get the tuning right,and the rest of the stuff.


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May 22, 2011
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I spent about an hour on the phone with Vivian @ Quick Tricks today before Bill texted me his dyno results. At least at this point we know its not an issue with my truck. Vivian and I think we have an idea how to tweak the tuning to build and hold more boost. As soon as I get the new 4088 I'll try the new tuning we discussed, but by then Bill will know more about whats going on as well.

Bill only had time to make a couple runs before he had to unstrap from the dyno and strap to the trailer and head north to TS. We'll know more on Saturday as Bill has said he will be back on his dyno and doing some more tuning. We'll have track times tomorrow that we can check HP calculations on.

I'll continue to post up any results or break throughs we have concerning the track times, dyno results and/or tuning for proper boost.


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May 22, 2011
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OK, so Bill took his truck to TS today a ran it. On his first pass he forgot to turn the speed limiter off (set to 100mph). This resulted in a 13.47@80mph. Apparently the truck shut down at 100mph and just coasted across the line. Good news is that he still beat the Dodge Dakota with a Cummins swap in the other lane. The next run ended in a destroyed plastic cold side pipe on Bills truck and a loss. This put him out even though he found a loaner tube as the officials would not let him buy in to the next race.

We still don't have any good numbers on this turbo, but we're trying guys. Bill is gonna spend some time tuning his truck and then take it to Commerce and race it again. I'll post more info as its available.


In the Brig (Banned)
Sep 27, 2011
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13.4 is still strong...great job Bill! Can't wait to see more! We ran a 13.1 on fuel and 544 on the dyno, if he picks up a tenth or two that is incredible!

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