Oh my! I just did some more funning around!

I'm tellin ya man. The more I drive this thing, the more I love it! It hits like a freaking hammer! I am definitely getting more air! It lights quick but you can really tell when it hits full song. Not by noise, but by the power. The only thing I don't like is how much smoke I'm getting. I had smoke before, but only at the track. I've never floored it before on the street till now. Time for a new reburn! It'll be my first retune since Cale origionally loaded them. I'm excited though!
Final decision- For picky and performance oriented, this turbo is definitely worth the extra coin. For someone who wants this level of power, but doesn't really care to have the best you can get, it's probably not worth it. You can do everything with the JB turbo that you can with this and would never know you were lacking in anything. You can definitely tell a difference in performance though. I'm happy I got it. No regrets. However, if I didn't have the money and wasn't offered the screaming deal on it that I got, I would have been content and very happy with my old one...... Provided it wasn't shot like it was. LOL Now, for a person with the extra money that wants all this setup can offer, then this is definitely worth it.