The actual Vehicle Speed Sensor is a magnetic pickup just like the CPUs. It reads the vehicle speed form a ring on the ring gear and creates a sine wave. This is what the PCM uses a an electrical signal for vehicle speed. It is also used for anti-lock brakes.
You can pull it and look for any metal filings on it from the rear end( it's magnetic). Also look really, really, I mean really close at the two wire harness to the sensor and the way it routes over the frame back to the cab. This is a wear area. The two wires are wrapped around each other all the way back in the harness to keep the integrity of the sine wave.
A disruption via a bad sensor or wiring can make your transmission do some scary ass crap.
It sounds like your line pressure is running at max. Have you disconnected the harness at the transmission and checked all the pins for a loose one?