The ones David has are not hypermax girdles and should be priced better than the hypermax. Im going to throw one in a 7.3 I'm building.
LOL I know whose girdle is pictured in this thread.
My post was to offer you an option of seeking out information based off factual testing to better your knowledge on the available girdles for the 7.3.
Hypermax built a two bolt and 4 bolt girdle and tested both. Testing showed not one bit of difference in strength or ability in one over the other. It was more cost effective to machine a halo girdle then it was something similar to the one pictured above, and since there was no difference between the two, why not? Main walk is gonna happen regardless because you are only anchoring the system to itself. Two more bolts in each plate isn't gonna eliminate it anymore then what's already available. A bed plate is where you wanna be if your worried...
Two things come to mind here. One being that David has built plenty of motors without girdles and they are still living today. So why bother if main walk is gonna be an issue either way? Just go to a bedplate and be done. Number two is, that with this girdle being offered, the only real benefit to it over the halo plate is that it is gonna be cheaper for the public, which is enough to sell the product in itself.
One thing is for sure is that David is gonna have his hands full with sales if the number is right on these things