Crownsville Stroker 7.3
New member
October 5th I believe. I will be there all setup with a booth and stuff.
Nice I can get my stickers and a hat Lol
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October 5th I believe. I will be there all setup with a booth and stuff.
You broke the pedal?
pedal assemblies can just go bad, can screw with the tuning too. Replace the pedal and the harness.
New pedal = More hpo
Man you need more oil frist!!! Lol
This. Only did just over 600 and 650 with a tiny bit of spray
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Video from the dyno the other day.
That was the fuel run. Did 605ish IIRC. I'm not going to lie. I'm really frustrated with where I am at with this thing right now. It's not making great power and I know it has a lot of potential. I really think low icp is holding it back. Going from the cast 72 to the billet made no gain on the dyno. Seat of the pants it feels like it pulls harder but that's irrelevant. Who has suggestions on where I should go with it now. Clearly up top it doesn't look like it is moving much fuel because it cleans right up. Should I just figure out a dual hpop setup and see what that does? Go to smaller nozzles? I really don't know what the best option is right now.... Because 600ish hp has gotten super boring really quickly!
dual hpop... no brainer IMO