OBS 7.3 engine and pickup build HP goal is in the 600HP range

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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Injectors and rocker arms are back on. Just need to add the oil funnel things that mount to the injectors. And torque All the injector bolts. Put the New Glow Plugs in. then put the valve covers on. THEN I can do all the above engine stuff.. YEEEEEHHHHAAAAWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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Finally got some time to work on the pickup.

I got the Rear Drive shafts put on the pickup, I had to do a little modifications to get the OBS drive shaft to bolt up to the 99 Transfercase case. So that is out of the way..

I put filled the differential and the Transfer case with oil, Was going to do the tranny, but ran out of ATF fluid.

I got the AirDog mounted, and hooked to the tank selector. And got the line run to the front. And I need a fitting to hook up the return line.. Somebody needs to tell AirDog that the kit they sell is not meant for the OBS pickups. EVEN if it says it on the box!!!!! It take some modifications to work... AND the kit is made to run only ONE fuel tank.

I got the HPOP(s) Torqued to 18 FT LB. And I got the lines rerouted. I did not like the way they looked!! The way I had them run, Took 6 HPOP lines. and two coupler fittings.. Now I am down to four lines and I got rid of the couplers.. SO there is a lot less lines and tangled messes under the hood.. Or at least it looks like it..

Sorry no picture today. My hands were to dirty to be touching my camera...


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Jun 27, 2011
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ya, i agree there on the sound of the 2nd gen 12V... lets see
chip = 400
S&B intake = 400
MBRP exhaust = 400
swamps 175/146 inj = 1700
H2E turbo kit = 2400
I/C bypass tube = 250
Built tranny/Billet TQ = 4000
adrenaline hpop = 600
fass pump = 800
reg fuel return = 600
Total = 11,550...

Those numbers arent exact, did a lot of that stuff a while back... but id say thats a close estimate

That was stupid of you. :slap: I have a better build than that on my OBS for less than half the cost... The truth is if you want to spend money on these trucks you can very easily. You dont have to though if you dont want to. You just have to work at it and be proactive finding deals and planning and knowing what you want to do and what you need to do it.

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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Hey guys.. I just bought a BRAND NEW Holset HX55 with a Billet Compressor wheel. The comp wheel is Inducer 66mm the exducer is 99mm. It is rated for over 90LB A minute.... The Exhaust side is a T6 flange with 25cm housing, with a 86mm inducer/80mm exducer turbine wheel.. .

This should make a better towing turbo then the Chines GT4202 turbo.. Well a LOT better towing turbo!!!! :)

What I would like to know is were can a guy pick up a 19cm exhaust housing to go with the turbo??? I would also like it if it was a gated housing... I would prefer a T4 Foot. BUT could make a T6 foot work good to. I have a T4 to T6 plate..

I would like it to be a Gated housing BUT it would not need to be.. Thanks for any information and help!!!!!

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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I found a Company that will take a T4 1.10 A/R housing off a S400 turbo and machine it to fit the HX55 exhaust wheel...

Do you think the 1.10 will be to big?? DO you think it will spool good?? The Exhaust wheel on the HX55 is 86/80


Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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Well if all goes well I "should" be able to start it up sometime on Saturday!!!

Couple problems. My battery's could be dead LOL ( I have a charge that is going on them as soon as I get there) OR it will just be to cold!!!! ( I will also be plugging it in) We have been having from 2 above 10 below zero weather.. Kind of cold for trying to get a engine to start after having injectors out and HPOP out and ALL the fluid drained!!!

But We will see...

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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And she runs!!!!!!!! Started nice and easy!!! rune nice and smooth!! Well at least for the short time I had it running..
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Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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Pictures? Video?

pics pics pics.....vids vids vids!!!

I will be putting up a short video of it runing..

PhotoBucket just takes a long time uploading videos!!!

It is only 23% done now and I have been waiting about 15-20 minutes!!!

So yes they are coming and sorry for the delay..

I have to get my fuel leaks fixed. SS Hard lines take a bit to get them to seal.

And I forgot to plug the oil feed for the turbo and it lost about 1-2 Quarts of oil on the engine and floor of the barn... So I have to know pressure wash the engine.. :(


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May 18, 2011
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I will be putting up a short video of it runing..

PhotoBucket just takes a long time uploading videos!!!

It is only 23% done now and I have been waiting about 15-20 minutes!!!

So yes they are coming and sorry for the delay..

I have to get my fuel leaks fixed. SS Hard lines take a bit to get them to seal.

And I forgot to plug the oil feed for the turbo and it lost about 1-2 Quarts of oil on the engine and floor of the barn... So I have to know pressure wash the engine.. :(

lol should have checked all your p's and q's before you fired her up lol but hey Ill be up a while yet. Ill be waiting for that video. lol

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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All right here is a short video..

There is no turbo or anything other then up pipes. Well they are not bolted to the manifold yet.. SO it is noise!!! But you can still hear the engine in there to...

I only had to crank maybe a total of 30 to 45 seconds. in like a 6 cranking time frame.. I cranked maybe 6 to 8 seconds a time and did it maybe 6 time then she started I was shocked it started and ran smooth right from the start!!! Was not what I was expecting!!

Here you go..


On EDIT: I need to get all the wires and stuff routed back into a nice neat orderly fashion now that I know it runs.. Right now it is a mess!!!!
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New member
May 18, 2011
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not bad not bad. Now I really wanna see a it with the turbos on! lol

Bummer about the oil line spewing everywhere. What a mess.

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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not bad not bad. Now I really wanna see a it with the turbos on! lol

Bummer about the oil line spewing everywhere. What a mess.


I realy whant to see it with the Turbo(s) on. and running!! I think it wll sound a lot better!

I agree it realy made me sick with the oil going ALL over!!! What a mess. But I can clean it up... Just takes some time..

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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OK I am in need of some help here.. The Pickup will start and run for about 1 minute, Then it slowly dies and shuts off. Then it takes a LOT of crancking to get it to start again..

As of now the sensor for exhast backpressure is not hooked up.. Will that make it do that??

I think it might be oil related.. Any input??? The HPOP Res is full, It does seem like it runs out of fuel. But I do not think that is the case there is always fuel pressure. So it cant be fuel related..

Could the IPR's (I have daul IPR's) be leting all the oil go right back into the engine and make it shut off???

Another thing my brother has scan tool. that does what the tool calls a KOER test.. (Dont quote me on that name) What it does as scans for things that are not right when the pickup is running. It does a buzz test. And kicks it up to about 1200 RPM's and stay like that for about 15 seconds.. BUT everytime it kicks it off of high idle the pickup slowly dies..

Is all my problems because I have Two HPOP's and so when it kicks off of high idle the IPR's do not respond fast enough to keep the preassure up???

Another thing.. I have a brother that has a scan tool that show's the HPOP PSI and Duty cycle%. I am going to see if I can swip it and put it on the pickup and see what it says..

Any help Would be great!!!!!!

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Active member
May 21, 2011
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Your positive fuel is not the issue?

Can you give a quick recap on what was done to the truck?

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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Your positive fuel is not the issue?

Can you give a quick recap on what was done to the truck?

Hey Dave!! First Thanks for responding..

I am all most 100% sure its not fuel. But to be safe I am going to mount my fuel gauge just to be safe.. On reason why I do not think it is fuel. Is because it starts and runs good BUT when it kicks off high Idle it will slowly die.. Well kind of like it is out of fuel.. You no come to think of it it sputters just like it does if you run out of fuel in the tank. BUT why does it do it as soon as it kicks off High Idle??? I will hook up the gauge just to be 100% sure it is not fuel related..

What is done so far...

I have stock tunning so far. I have not had my chip reburnt yet. I still am not sure what I am going to do for tuning yet

ARP head studs

Comp 910 springs Shimed.

Smith Brother push Rods.

AirDog2 Fuel pump. It is the on demand one. Funny thing is it never seems to shut off?? (The fuel bowl and mechanical fuel pump have all been deleted)
It is now feed with fuel to all four corners of the fuel rail.

Stealth twin 15* HPOP with dual IPR's and one IPR valve is new the other one was on the original pump that is still being used.. I have two line going to both oil rail. The front pump has one line going to the passenger side and one going to the driver side. and the same with the back pump. One line to both sides. I have dieselsites HPOP filter adapter which adds more oil to the reservoir and also gives me a place for the second pump feed and IPR pressure release. The back pump is feed by a 10an (5/8) line. so I should have no problem with rear pump cavitation..

300/200 Injectors by full Force

Irate T4 Turbo mount.

New Glow pugs

New Cam shaft sensor

And New valve cover gasket and internal wire harness..

I think that is about it..

BUT i do not have the EBPS (not EBPV) hooked up.. not sure if that would mess with it or not.. I dont think it should not at a idle..

I will be hooking up a fuel pressure gauge.. AND a HPO gauge that show duty cycle to..



ON EDIT: How much fuel pressure is needed to start and run right??? High Pressure oil should be 475 to 500psi right?
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