OBS 7.3 engine and pickup build HP goal is in the 600HP range


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May 21, 2011
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2800 PSI with only 15% IPR DC?

It will start and run with a plugged IPR, a quick check to test this is to unplug the IPR while its running. With the Stealths you only need to disconnect one of them, if it stays running something is not right.

Did you test fuel pressure yet?

Powerstroke Cowboy

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May 20, 2011
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2800 PSI with only 15% IPR DC?

It will start and run with a plugged IPR, a quick check to test this is to unplug the IPR while its running. With the Stealths you only need to disconnect one of them, if it stays running something is not right.

Did you test fuel pressure yet?

Yes 2800 PSI with only 15% IPR DC.. that is what it showed when crancking...

I will have to unplug them and see what it does..

No fuel pressure yet.. I was wanting to see what the HPOP PSI was aftr changing the wiring around...

Would having almost dead batterys do this??? Like at 45 to 55% charged batterys. with 11.3 Volts???

The fuel pressure is getting hooked up soon.. hopefull today..

Powerstroke Cowboy

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May 20, 2011
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Dead or dying batteries or alternator are bad... can make the truck act different in all sorts of ways..

LOL I do not even have a belt hooked up yet.. I should do that and see what it does...

Still that should not make the IPRs act up? Or would it??

Thanks for the info!!!! any help is great!!


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May 25, 2011
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Central Michigan
LOL I do not even have a belt hooked up yet.. I should do that and see what it does...

Still that should not make the IPRs act up? Or would it??

Thanks for the info!!!! any help is great!!

i would bet that it will run different with a full charge and the alternator helping it!!! these things take a serious amount of electricity to run.... i think it has to stay above 12v to even stay running.... i just replaced my batteries a few months ago because they wouldn't hold a charge and then replaced my alternator soon after because with the batteries dead it wore it out... all the time before this it was acting funny, starting funny, wouldn't idle rite, sometimes it would jolt going down the road.... wasnt till i said f it and put diehard platinums in it that it got better not all the way better but some.... then a month or so later the battery light on the dash came on and i changed the alternator and shes all better!!

Powerstroke Cowboy

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May 20, 2011
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i would bet that it will run different with a full charge and the alternator helping it!!! these things take a serious amount of electricity to run.... i think it has to stay above 12v to even stay running.... i just replaced my batteries a few months ago because they wouldn't hold a charge and then replaced my alternator soon after because with the batteries dead it wore it out... all the time before this it was acting funny, starting funny, wouldn't idle rite, sometimes it would jolt going down the road.... wasnt till i said f it and put diehard platinums in it that it got better not all the way better but some.... then a month or so later the battery light on the dash came on and i changed the alternator and shes all better!!

I guess I will hook the belt up and see what happens... I might be suprised..

Powerstroke Cowboy

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May 20, 2011
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Still does the same thing with the Battery's at 100% AND with a charge going into them at the same time...

Let sit for half an hour or a little more and it will start right up.. To let you know how easy it start. at 25 to 30 degrees it starts nice and easy and quick.. without being plugged in.. Let it run long enough and it will shut off.. Or if you shut it off it will not start back up.. I think it is the IPR(s)

907Dave My Fuel Pressure was at 60PSI at a Idle.. I turned it up to 68 to 70 PSI now..
So fuel was not a problem. Funny thing still is the Airdog two will not shut off even after it hits that pressure without the engine running.... And as soon as you turn the AirDog off all the pressure bleed right back through it... In-fact you can here the fuel bleeding back through the AirDog..

I was under the impression from AirDog that there AirDog2 will shut off after the pressure is reached.. So I do not no way it does this.. And it bleed back all the fuel after you turn it off.... Or is it meant to do that???

Another day is coming.. I have off monday... :D


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May 21, 2011
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I still think you need a better way to scan that thing....those PID's are not trustworthy.

But....you now verified fuel pressure is not your issue, so it seems as if oil is your problem.

Powerstroke Cowboy

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May 20, 2011
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I still think you need a better way to scan that thing....those PID's are not trustworthy.

But....you now verified fuel pressure is not your issue, so it seems as if oil is your problem.

I think it is oil related.. I have a AeroForce Interceptor scan Gauge on the way.. That should do the trick.. I hope... The HPOP res is always full of oil. Infact it always seem to have a little pressure in it everytime I pop the little plug out...

I rewired thr IPR wire to match the picture I linked to.. That would be right would it not be???? A ICP sensor would cause my problems would it???

I have new one I should just stick on there to see.. I just hate doing that if that is not the problem.. If the ICP sensor was bad would it start????


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May 21, 2011
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If you have another sensor, it costs you nothing to swap it out just to see what happens.

You could just unplug the ICP sensor while it is acting up to see what happens - but beware that what is displayed on a scanner with the sensor disconnected is a defaulted readout.

Powerstroke Cowboy

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May 20, 2011
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If you have another sensor, it costs you nothing to swap it out just to see what happens.

You could just unplug the ICP sensor while it is acting up to see what happens - but beware that what is displayed on a scanner with the sensor disconnected is a defaulted readout.

Yes it would be very defaulted.. NO sensor to check the pressure..

What I should do is hook up a mecanical gauge to one of the oil rails and see what it shows for pressure cranking and at a idle and when I rev it.. It just will not show IPR duty cycle..

When A IPR goes bad, Or gets dirty. Will it just open up and let all the oil pressure out and back to the block???

Another thing I just thought of.. IF the ICP sensor is bad, and that is the reason it shows 2800 to 3800 PSI when cranking.. Then the computer might be making the IPR.s dump oil to "try" and bring the pressure down, SO that might be way it will not start again.. The ICP could be sending a false reading the the copmuter witch in turn is making the IPR's dump the oil, witch in turn will keep the Rail pressure from getting high enough to start???

I was told before that even with the IPR's dumping as much as they can it should still start???
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May 21, 2011
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Yes it would be very defaulted.. NO sensor to check the pressure..

What I should do is hook up a mecanical gauge to one of the oil rails and see what it shows for pressure cranking and at a idle and when I rev it.. It just will not show IPR duty cycle..

That is the best way to see what is actually going on.

When A IPR goes bad, Or gets dirty. Will it just open up and let all the oil pressure out and back to the block???

It could stick in any position, open, closed or partial....

Another thing I just thought of.. IF the ICP sensor is bad, and that is the reason it shows 2800 to 3800 PSI when cranking.. Then the computer might be making the IPR.s dump oil to "try" and bring the pressure down, SO that might be way it will not start again.. The ICP could be sending a false reading the the copmuter witch in turn is making the IPR's dump the oil, witch in turn will keep the Rail pressure from getting high enough to start???

That would be a good explanation for what is going on.

I was told before that even with the IPR's dumping as much as they can it should still start???

False. I had a connection issue with my IPR's a few years back, and with them both hanging wide open I was only able to create 300PSI, there was not enough oil pressure in the reservoir to even register any oil pressure on the gauge.

See Red.

Powerstroke Cowboy

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May 20, 2011
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Thanks for all the help Dave!!! I will have to do some more testing tomarrow. I just will not be able to test the Rail pressure yet, All the stores that have the gauge and hose I would need are going to be closed...

Thanks for the help!!!!

Powerstroke Cowboy

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May 20, 2011
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Well Dave All are local store did not cary the parts needed to build a test gauge... they did not even carry a Hydrolic gauge!!!!

SO I hooked up the AeroForce gauge I just bought. And it showed with just the key on ICP as 3968 and 14.8 IPR%.. So I hooked up the new ICP sensor I had and the gauge now reads with just the key on 14.8 IPR% and ICP was showed as 13-13.2 PSI..(And that would be the atmasphere Pressure.. So my take is the ICP sensor was bad. and that is why it acted the way it did..

I never did try to start it though, But it was abviace the ICP sensor was reading wrong..

I have been getting other stuff back to were it should be, Next weekend I will start it up..

Powerstroke Cowboy

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May 20, 2011
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Well its back together now.... Just need to drive 15 miles to get the bed for it...

So far it seems to do OK Just need some good custam tunning for it....

1600RPMs @ 750 ICP with a Duty cycle of 9.8% does not do so hot. Higest I have seen was like 1200 ICP and 12% to 13% Duty Cycle...

Video of the engine bay and startup coming as soon as the video uploads to Photo Bucket..

O and I see boost a little before 1500 RPMs... About 1400RPMs or so in the higher gears just putting along keeping my speed its like 1 pound.... About 4 pounds @ 1600 gaining a little speed.. The turbo starts to "whine" about 11000 to 1200RPMs...

I think It will spool just fine for towing!!!!

On Edit... River City Turbo did a good job of machining the Exhaust housing if it starts to spool @ 1400 with very little throttle input!!! The comp Wheel is a Billet 66/99 wheel...

Will post more as I learn more

I only Drove it for about 4 miles so far.. So engine was not warm enough to go over 1500 to 1700.. I like to play it safe..
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Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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Here is look under the hood and start up... I still need to get some of the wires and hoses a little more neat...

This is a video....


Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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My clutch is hating me.... I was hoping it would do better then it does!!! In 4 gear and up when you hit the 2800rpm range it starts to slip.... With just a stock tune. I should not be maxing it out yet!!!

Goofy realy goofy!!!

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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how is the chinese turbo holding up? I'd be afraid of it blowing up and destroying the motor.

I ended up not going with it.... I got a good deal on a Holset HX55. And this one my friend is NOT a chines nock off....

So I realy do not know how good it would do... I might stick it on my Big Cam 350 and gate it for 20 to 25 PSI... and see what happens...

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