i leave you fudgepackers alone for a few hours and look what happens......
anyways, just spent a bit over at Mad Matt's in Fort Worth trying to see if we could pinpoint the source of the noise without tearing it apart. the whole way over there is was pinging pretty loudly. decently loud in cab and when i rolled down the pass window, I could hear it quite well.
Gpt to Matt's and he immediately heard it on the pass side. my first thought was lifter/push rod but there was no popping at all. just the same RPM dependant tick/squeak. We started with an electronic stethoscope and poked around in several places. it seemed the loudest right on/behind the GPR bracket on the pass side. we took the filler cap off and stuck the scope down in there but oddly enough, it didn't seem to get any louder.
We then popped it on the ids to run a power balance and everything checked out perfect. turned off injectors one by one and no indicators. messed with ICP and IPR to see if there was anything funky with an injector and still no indicators. Compression was near perfect in every hole so no apparent rod or piston issues. i know this is all electronic and not mechanical but nothing is jumping out at this point.
turned the truck off and went inside to bullsh*t for about an hour. went to leave and started it up and the noise was significantly quieter...almost non existent. oil temp was around 110 degrees. got a tad louder as the truck warmed up but the entire 30 min drive home, the noise had seemed to quiet down a lot. mind you the whole way there is was pinging away. got home and you can barely hear it with hood up.
any ideas now? could it possibly be tune/oil related? i'm wondering if it's a hydraulic noise and the cooler oil temp changed something. the tune i'm currently running is only about 2 weeks old and I only drove it for about a week with it...