Well that must a changed quite a bit then since I last purchaced a non vgt setup.
comparing what you had and the t4 set ups is kinda apples and oranges. no pedestal not adapter and a box turbo.
I still believe the stage 4 will be a way better turbo. The OP never mentioned anything about a budget price haha
Damn strong statement if you ask me.
$3500 for a new to the market turbo that MAY grenade in 20k miles.....(I haven't seen a big VGT last over that yet).
If someone has more than 20k miles on a MTW stage 3+ speak up. We would like to know! (not being sarcastic either)
Yes, you get the best of both worlds. But unless that thing has a warranty since its still fresh on the market, I'd rather spend that $3500 on a set of rods.
well injector price isn't going to change...talking more about $$ for turbo.
Well I don't really have a budget but I have to save for everything I want... I'm a working man on a budget so cheaper is always better!
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