I also told them a lighter more fuel friendly tuning would be used most of the time for dd.
Drag racing is way harder on a trans than sled pulls.
I disagree
i have one and one of there vb in my 2000. works great, its just a tow rig for my puller w/ stage 2 injectors. gross about 21-22000 all the time.anybody using a racerx converter?besides in one of their built trannys
Care to share thoughts as to why?
Just about everyone, including trans builders, that I've talked to feel the same way.
As long as the wheels are spinning faster than ground speed, there's less stress on the trans.
So what was the price deference between the two shops?
Well I say give it a shot. He is a good guy from my dealings.
I had about maybe 3k tops in mine having a local guy put it together w racer parts.
I already tried that route. The guy right by my shop for work said he builds transmissions for racecars and high perf streetcars but when I walked in and said I wanted a trans for a 500horse diesel he went cold. "We built a couple of those. We dont do them anymore."
Im guessing he had some blow up.
There is another shop by my aunts restaurant that has been around since 1961 and they said they'd do it no problem. But the only truck I saw in there was a 90's Dodge Dakota with a 318 in it. I know there's a used car dealership that uses them but Im not sure.
My dad says the guy who works on his Peterbilt with a cat in it told my dad he can work on p/u's with diesels in em too. Im sure one of these options would produce a decent trans but how do you pick one?Racerx has a rebuild with, I believe, 4 clutch discs in the convertor and upgraded steels and external filtration and custom valve body for 3500 but I dont know how much power its designed to hold? Its gotta be better than a stock 4r100 is.
My suggestion is to get a hold of CaryT(OBSWIZ) and let him deal with brian, you probably could have had a build date by now
Racerx told me with what I wanted to do with 250/200s and other mods I had planned the best bet would be their 600hp trans and it would be $4250 that seems a little high when you can get a BTS for $5k I'm wondering what the difference is in the "600hp" trans and say there next one down
I would not go local with my findings. I have seen it time and time again on psn and with my own dealings. I went to a retired ford tech that only did trannie. H ws suppose to be the man at building 4r100's and told me how I could throw anything I wanted at it horsepowr wise and do any offroading I wanted with it and it was a 1 year unlimited warrenty. I told him I was gonna sled pull and go to silverlake sand dunes with it. He said no problem he know many trucks with more power then mine that could take it at the dunes. So 13 months later the convertor comes apart on me. Well its not under warrenty anymore so I pay for a new convertor this time ATI on my own against his suggestions. He tore the trans apart and cleaned everything and says the clutchs look brand new but the planetary is bad so $900 later I'm off. 2 weeks goes by and I am pulling a friends truck out of a field that is stuck and I lose second gear. I go back to the trans guyand he says well I don't know what your doing with the truck but this won't be covered under warrenty and I will have to charge you again for all the seals and whatever you broke. So do it right the first time please. I could have bought almost 2 bts's or racer x's by the time I was done.
Is Racer X gonna sponsor PSA? Just curious. I know we're new.