romping problem

Bobs 7.3

Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Plymouth, P.A
I hear ya. We did that with a buddy's truck and stage ones. Swamps swapped two of them. I had the covers on/off the obs so many times, I forget.

The guys have noted some good ideas. It just feels like there's a leak somewhere.
Ill try a bunch of stuff and see if it goes away if not I guess ill have to pull the covers one at a time and find out how to pressurize the heads and watch around the injector bases for o-ring leaks and if any oil comes out the spouts. If so there getting those injectors back as there 5 year/200k mile warranty and not right. This will hopefully be my last option and wont need to do lol...O-rings arnt bad and I have sets of them here from alliant power its just no time working 6 days a week 12 to 14hrs a day and I just took 4 days off to do this job and boos wont be so forgiving to take more time off.

Bobs 7.3

Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Plymouth, P.A
I do believe when I bought the truck it idled poorly and rough and when I put the new ipr in man it was a new running truck again. idled smooth as silk. it idles good now just a touch of roughness and the romps till just off idle and she clears up and hauls but im not liking the 2286 reading on the hpop at wot at all. Even the 476 to 491 at idle seems low as ive always had 550 to 580ish but last time it was checked was over 3 years ago. I don't know if the timing advance gauge is working on my torque but it stayed at -64.0 weither key on engine not running, running, or reeving it still never moved.


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Jun 10, 2014
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Im going to switch it out to the delo 15-40 next week and see what that does also. I believe its the blue bottle at wal mart or is there something compairibly priced that's better locally?

Actually I was just at poor mart today to grab some oil. The CJ4 stuff is all gone it's all the new CK4 stuff that I am unsure of. I may have to finally find a new oil. As for CCT tests you can download Car Gauge Pro and it will read DTCs, run Buzz and CCT tests.

Bobs 7.3

Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Plymouth, P.A
is That car gauge pro for android and use the same Bluetooth adapter as torque? im going to look at wally world in about 2 hrs and see. whats the difference between the cj4 and the ck4 delo?


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Jun 10, 2014
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Yes no other adapter needed. It's in the play store. You need the Car Gauge Pro version which is like $8.00. I bought oil for my 7.3 I am switching to the motorcraft 15-40 as it seems to be the only oil still to CJ4 spec.

Bobs 7.3

Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Plymouth, P.A
I also just bought oil I found the delo cj-4 just 1 5 gallon pail at tractor supply as wal mart here didn't have any. I was reading the bottle of the new stuff and it says 50 percent more protection then the previous cj-4. I also noticed the rotella 15w-40 is the same api cj-4 as the new delo stuff. I was going to get the motorcraft but wally world didn't have enough of it. now ill like this delo and it will no longer be available in cj-4. Ihad paid for car gauge pro but never loaded it lol. when I looked it up it just said download or whatever and I made sure it was the pro but I cant for the life of me figure it out to set it up like the torque. torque seems way easier. I put gauges on and when I get out of it and go back in its all gone. im not sure how to do the cct and buzz test either. if I could get it set up then id work on the cct and buzz test. I ran some test today and came up with
hpop=3057.3 wot run / 463.4 idle hot
inj pw= 4920.0 wot /600.0 idle
ipr= 57.6 wot
map= 24.3 wot
threw a cel when in wot run and I have dieselsites boost fooler? now the hpop pressure is looking good but still just that very slight romp at idle. better then before but there a bit. one injector sounds louder then the rest ticking even with the fuel rails undead headed but maybie it will quiet up some with strickly diesels oil crossover installed and the oil back to 15-40. im going to do the oil first next wed when im off and see how it acts before installing the crossover as I want to see whitch one does vs both at once. I may get the 29mm deep dwell and weld it to a piece of steel and remove the ipr wed too and clean and reseal it as I have a rebuild kit here. prob do that when changing the oil then the hpop resivour will be empty as ill suck as much of that synethic out of there and refill with delo after the ipr is redone. If it were o-ring leaks on the injectors I cant see it going up 800 psi under the same conditions as it was the same section of road. now I did notice if I run a lower tune say economy highway that injector is almost unnoticeable just ticks louder in the hot street and extreme.


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Jun 10, 2014
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All the Delo I found around here was the new CK4 stuff but thankfully Motorcraft is keeping the 15w40 to CJ4 spec as they sent out that letter last year not recommending CK4 for any of engine old or new.
As for Car Gauge Pro I don't use it to read PIDs it's horrible at that. I still use Torque for that. I use Car Gauge to pull DTCs and run the tests. There are a few videos of buzzing with Car Gauge on YouTube. It's pretty easy actually. It's also nice because you can hang over the top of the engine and initiate the test from the phone/tablet.
The change in sound you hear is the change in SOI (timing) in the mild vs hotter tune.
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Active member
Dec 2, 2012
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1 1/8th deep well 1/2" drive socket on a flex head ratchet works perfect for ipr removal. The only thing you need to remove is the solenoid. It is impossible on an obs with the stock fuel bowl, but a super duty is super easy.

Bobs 7.3

Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Plymouth, P.A
All the Delo I found around here was the new CK4 stuff but thankfully Motorcraft is keeping the 15w40 to CJ4 spec as they sent out that letter last year not recommending CK4 for any of engine old or new.
As for Car Gauge Pro I don't use it to read PIDs it's horrible at that. I still use Torque for that. I use Car Gauge to pull DTCs and run the tests. There are a few videos of buzzing with Car Gauge on YouTube. It's pretty easy actually. It's also nice because you can hang over the top of the engine and initiate the test from the phone/tablet.
The change in sound you hear is the change in SOI (timing) in the mild vs hotter tune.
I thought maybie it was timing. I think next oil change ill go with the motorcraft oil also as the delo is different know. I ran rotella 15-40 for 3 years then the past 7 tears switched to the t6 and got 257k miles out of stock sticks and hpop and still hold 25lbs of low pressure oil pressure hot with the t6 but if its not good I wont use it. It seemed to go the miles but who knows ya know. ill have to check you tube and do some watching on how to do the test.

Bobs 7.3

Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Plymouth, P.A
1 1/8th deep well 1/2" drive socket on a flex head ratchet works perfect for ipr removal. The only thing you need to remove is the solenoid. It is impossible on an obs with the stock fuel bowl, but a super duty is super easy.
Thank you I don't know where I read 29mm but good to know the proper size and ill have to pick up a swivel rachet as I broke mine using it to break a nut loose that should have been a 1 inch drive lol... I never rebuilt one before but the video looks pretty straight forward. It cant be rocket science.


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Jun 10, 2014
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First I had heard of it being compared to Rotella. I've ran Delo LE for about 6 years now. I will give it a test and see how it goes and hunt down a new oil. Most of the oils on the shelf at a few stores all are now CK4 spec at least the motorcraft is staying CJ4.


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Jun 10, 2014
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I'm sure its great oil. But I put less than 6K miles on a year so I prefer off the shelf oils for convenience. I found that Ford is releasing a new oil spec to replace the CJ4 spec. They tested a few CK4 oils in the 6.7s and found accelerated wear.

Bobs 7.3

Nov 2, 2012
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Plymouth, P.A
Glad I didn't get the ck4 stuff if fords fiding accelerated wear geez you would think they would make sure its quality before releasing it to the public. I had some time today and changed the oil to the delo and mini romps still present at idle, injectors a bit quieter (brand new oil also 15-40 instead of 5-40 synethic), but now if I revv it to 2300 to 2500 In park when it comes down to idle it will come down to a low idle like 400 to 500 rpms and chug 2 to 3 times then come up to normal rpms and smooth out. After smoothing out maybie 2 to 3 seconds it wil baby romp again at idle. later after I go pick a grill up and its nice and hot ill shut it off and unplug the icp and restart it and see if the romping goes away. If not then ill shut it back off and unplug the oil temp sensor and leave the icp unplugged and restart it and see the outcome. I think I read if it still romps at idle then its the hpop or ipr. I wanted to rebuild the ipr today while I had the hpop drained but not enough time so not have to wait till Wednesday to do that. The weird part is it baby romps not only when engine is hot but also just above 100 degrees and with the t6 5-40 it didn't do it till fully warm. The high idle tune is smooth now with the 15-40 though. Man it has me stumped lol. I would have parted it by now or sold it due to lack of time to keep working on it but I have over 4k worth of new body panels for it. The 2016 bed,tailgate and the visor are already painted and done at the shop and the 2016 doors are just waiting to go get the insides sprayed to be hung then and the new ford fenders are going with them to get the insides sprayed and cleared also so they can go on with the doors. A new swamps idm will go in when I do the fenders and doors also. This baby romp is romping my brain lol. Wish someone around here had AE so they could see whats going on and narrow down the gremlin. Good thing is when I get done ill have tons of new parts for trouble free driving for years lol.

Bobs 7.3

Nov 2, 2012
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Plymouth, P.A
Now have to get a different Bluetooth adapter to do the buzz test and cc test with car gauge pro as the one I use for torque doesn't want to work with car gauge pro for some reason.

Bobs 7.3

Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Plymouth, P.A
Well test drove it 50 miles or so and injectors are a lot quieter all around with the 15-40 vs the t6 synethic and maybie it was just my foot but egts are about 150 to 200 degrees cooler then with the t6 rotella. Better throttle response and smoother running. The baby romps still there but a bit less. unplugged the icp and idle did change a bit no change in romp so went and unplugged the oil temp sensor also and romp still there and engine died after about 5 seconds with the 2 unplugged so restarted and idled about another 5 seconds and died again so I plugged the 2 back in and retested at idle for 20 to 25 seconds ran great but still a very slight romp at idle. So im thinking reseal and clean the ipr and install the oil crossover on Wednesday and see how it is then. Besides the slight romp it runs great all around. Definatly no miss or anything.


May 18, 2011
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Arlington, Texas
Sounds more like a tuning issue than anything else to me. What is your idle set to. Some trucks like a little more idle then other trucks do. Remember, these are dinosaur engines, not the new cookie cutter electronic diesels. The 7.3 was one of the first electronic diesels, it still has some of the individuality left from the old school. But what do I know, I am simply an old school gasser mechanic that changed to the 7.3 about 15 years ago.


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May 25, 2011
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Central Michigan
Well test drove it 50 miles or so and injectors are a lot quieter all around with the 15-40 vs the t6 synethic and maybie it was just my foot but egts are about 150 to 200 degrees cooler then with the t6 rotella. Better throttle response and smoother running. The baby romps still there but a bit less. unplugged the icp and idle did change a bit no change in romp so went and unplugged the oil temp sensor also and romp still there and engine died after about 5 seconds with the 2 unplugged so restarted and idled about another 5 seconds and died again so I plugged the 2 back in and retested at idle for 20 to 25 seconds ran great but still a very slight romp at idle. So im thinking reseal and clean the ipr and install the oil crossover on Wednesday and see how it is then. Besides the slight romp it runs great all around. Definatly no miss or anything.
shell rochitta, mobil delvac 1300 and motorcraft 15w40 are the 3 worst oils for a 7.3..

run delo 15w40 or valvoline 15w40.. all oils are switching to the ck4 bs. some just changed the rating to ck4 but left the oil basically the same..

the LE 8700 15w40 oil is just as cheap and jimdawg185 can have it shipped directly to your door with a quick text asking him to send you whatever you need.. LE oils are bad***inass!! I'd go with LE products over anything now!!

how many miles since you swapped injectors?
Sounds more like a tuning issue than anything else to me. What is your idle set to. Some trucks like a little more idle then other trucks do. Remember, these are dinosaur engines, not the new cookie cutter electronic diesels. The 7.3 was one of the first electronic diesels, it still has some of the individuality left from the old school. But what do I know, I am simply an old school gasser mechanic that changed to the 7.3 about 15 years ago.
no school like the old school!!

live life full throttle

god bless america and the farmer who feeds your fat ass

Bobs 7.3

Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Plymouth, P.A
Sounds more like a tuning issue than anything else to me. What is your idle set to. Some trucks like a little more idle then other trucks do. Remember, these are dinosaur engines, not the new cookie cutter electronic diesels. The 7.3 was one of the first electronic diesels, it still has some of the individuality left from the old school. But what do I know, I am simply an old school gasser mechanic that changed to the 7.3 about 15 years ago.
you may be right as it did a very slight romp with the ts6 with canned tunes in it first then I got the swamps burnt chip for the injectors and it got worst by atleast double. it was really rough mostly yesterday but once or twice it idled like a dream for about 20 seconds at a red light or 2 then would slightly start the baby romp again. its like something getting stuck or something that's why I been thinking ipr. its been 5 to 6 years for that. maybie a clean and reseal? icp brand new and no oil even new pig tail. its been about 700 miles since injector change. once off idle just get it rolling a bit and punch it she will turn sideways just that damn idle crap. lpop is holding 23 to 24 lbs at idle hot so maybie a new high volume melling? it holds 46 to 50lbs at 65 mph and 1700 rpms. im thinking I should have bit the bullet and used new uvch as these are 7 years old but never had a problem with them. atleast that would have ruled them out also.

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