So is the concensus that the previous TUNES were better than the older ones??
Reason I ask is because I have NOT installed my sotf yet. Reading reviews from several of you wanting the old files back makes me hesitant.
The 600QR on the SOTF isn't unlivable with, it's just not as aggressive as the nGauge one with shifting. It's still a great tune, just not as firm shifting as those of us with the nGauge 600QR are used to.
Another thing to think about, is Sp@rtan shipped these out to everyone at one time, instead of testers first, then general population, so there are still some bugs to work out. The other thing is they have to deal with out of house production, which I wouldn't wish on anyone... Sp@rtan takes all the heat for problems they can't control *TPMS*.
I wouldn't hesitate at all, just having the ability to cruise around comfortably on a lower tune, then rolling that switch up and roasting ricers: Priceless...