Well, I was pretty happy with how the truck was running, very strong. I love how the power comes on so smooth with the compounds. I was going to get some WOT vids this weekend, unfortunately my truck had other ideas. Saturday night, I had an idler pulley come apart (cheap chinese made replacement :doh

and it ground its way through the front cover and intake manifold in about 3 seconds. Coolant everywhere :cursing:
got the truck towed home and pushed back into my tent/garage. Looks like I have to replace the front cover, or have it welded, and have the gouge in my intake manifold welded up, or replace it... I have a late style front cover laying around that I can swap in, I like that idea better than welding my damaged one, I will have to get a new water pump, but I have been wanting a Bulletproof diesel water pump for a while anyway. The damage to the intake manifold is pretty minor so I will probably just have my buddy weld it so it doesn't leak any more.
The questions I have for the experts are: should I replace the LPOP gears while I am in there or will I be fine to reuse them if they are not scored or worn? Also, does anyone know of aftermarket LPOP gears that would be worth getting? I think Elite used to sell Billet gears, but I don't see anything on their website? Also, is a harmonic dampner worth it? I would go with ATI if I did (too many fluidampner horror stories), but idk if I really need one or is stock better?