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I agree... my back pressure is 1 psi higher than Erik's is with same same boost out of the atmosphere though.
True but your total boost isn't where his is. Your really comparing apples to oranges.
I agree... my back pressure is 1 psi higher than Erik's is with same same boost out of the atmosphere though.
True but your total boost isn't where his is. Your really comparing apples to oranges.
Wouldn't turbine restriction show in back pressure numbers though? The pressure is a measure of restriction just like boost is, right?
I'm with you 100% that my 88 won't flow the same volume as Clausen's (on the exhaust side) which has its advantages, but I don't believe that's why my truck is 200 horse shy of where I anticipated it being.
Plus, the turbos on my truck have made 4 digits on fuel on a dynojet...
What is his total boost?
You should definetly be close to a grand with those turbos.
Your back pressure is way high compared to your boost, and one thing your not looking at is back pressure between stages. With 40 psi from the atmo i would be willing to be that your back pressure is 50 or 60 psi between stages and say with 80 psi total that doesnt leave much room for your high pressure to make much boost. Its air in and air out if there isnt much room for air out the turbine slows way down hince why your total boost is low. You might stick a pressure gauge between stages and check that. Im betting its high.
I thought you said it it made 910 in tadds little truck? didnt that truck also have a different cam?
You really thought you were going to make 1000 hp on fuel?
My honest opinion is 850-900 is all they will do with that little 82mm turbine.
My Bp to boost is too high? 70 psi boost to 72 psi bp? I don't follow that. If back pressure in between stages was ridiculous high, that's going to in overall back pressure since its flow...
Peak power was 4 digits IIRC. I know they picked up 150+ hp with gating into the atmosphere....
Turbine is an 84. 1mm smaller than the turbine in the max powers.
So what are you getting at? How come yours never made 1000 with a big ass turbine then? More fuel and 15 psi more boost than mine makes and it was right with Mal's. I remember initially your set up made 850 in your black truck, and you worked some sh1t out and it broke 900. I guess I just don't get what you're after with me. Regardless of a 4 digit number, it doesn't make the power it should, and hasn't made the power those turbos have already made.
I'm just curious and not trying to argue with anybody. But if all this info is correct how or why did shones and Mals trucks make more than JDs if JDs has more air than there's did. I'm just trying to understandAnd to be honest I never expected eriks to do over 900 so 990 is a bonus
Yours imho should maybe do 900 on the top end but I wouldn't be upset if it didn't.
I was under the impression your boost on the Dyno was lower than that?
My set up only ever made 73 psi of boost with 70 psi back pressure in my white truck. I never expected anything over 850 and was never upset it didn't make more. This was all with a waste gate shut off. Mike is the one that is making 85 psi. This was all with only 33 psi from the low pressure. I never wanted a 1000 horse I just happened to pick up a big ass turbo for 300 bucks and made it work. That's all it amounted too. 4 of my atomos were designed for a 12 cylinder engine and 1700 hp total I never expected 1 turbo to support 1000 on its own.
I'm not knocking you but I think your numbers match the turbos imho
So I take it mine is a 1.12 also with an 85mm wheel?Mines a .96 housing and Mal's is 1.12 I believe