New member
Maybe he will try our new twin HPOP kit :rockon:
Umm do tellimp: i would like to know more about this twin hpop
Maybe he will try our new twin HPOP kit :rockon:
Umm do tellimp: i would like to know more about this twin hpop
Sam here?!
Maybe he will try our new twin HPOP kit :rockon:
well i have a t4 set up coming from from MPD with a non vgt 64/xx/83 billett going to use some Laughing gas for a lil while but going to build a set of compounds for the truck.
for wut its customer service experience with jesse is probably one of the best ive had as far as buying from vendors, ive bought probably 3 sets of stock ones from him for customers trucks with zero issues. the 190/75s that i jus bought were for my personal truck, and even if ever did have issues with them id prob never buy any from anyone else jus because of the service. never once did i feel like i was jus a number and he wasnt worried bout gettin the money at all. he went out of his way everytime for me to make sure i had wut i needed when i needed it everytime regardless of wut it took to do so. im sure wutever the issues u will be takin care of. and it looks like u already are.
We do our best.
There is a shop out west farther we have sold 50+ sets to and only ever had 1-2 injectors fail and they were from defective o-rings.
Got to keep in mind when building 6.0l injectors from used cores there will always be a failure rate. We try to keep it low and keep quick convenient service to all customers.
All problems we have seen are spool valve related.
Ok. Jesse you wouldn't be able to shed any light on pulling contribution codes on 2 different cylinders at different times would you? I just put in 190/100's 2 weeks ago.
Give me a ring.