Just did some more data logging, going to swap pulley sizes one more time, I think that will bring me up to a sustained 4.7 or greater.
Truck is awesome to drive:naughty:.
I feel that now is the time to thank everyone that had a hand in this. So happy with it all. There is absolutely no way this build would have happened without you guys.
First off I owe BIG time to Colton Malek, without him this whole thing would've been a powder keg. Thanks buddy for your hardwork, resources, taxi service, and most of all your time. A few all nighters, many late nights past midnight, and probably a lot of doubt that we could pull this off. This guy didn't have a life because of me LOL. Things would have gone very differently if I was not able to use his shop. Wasn't just your regular average joe warehouse with a lift either. So much equipment that made this all possible!
Thanks for going along with doing the fab work ourselves, and letting me stay another 2 months when the fab guy dropped the ball...as well as driving me down there to go pick up my turbos from him.
Chris and Evan, thanks for the rides also, and staying up late sometimes to help get this thing done. Evan, preciate you coming down an running a few of the beads when you had time to. Chris thanks for the second set of hands during the day...Beer is coming!
Hope I didn't forget anyone local, speak up if so!
There was an immense amount of time and planning before this build was even started, especially after we had to make a last minute decision to do this ourselves. Since Colton and I have never done a build like this before, it was uncharted territory.
For the fab work: The canadians Shawn (Redneck6.0l), Ivan (Extended Power), Kevin (Kevin), and Shane (White Monster), Greg (Pizza Pig) thanks a ton for all the help, advice, and tips.....and answering probably when it was past your bedtime. It definitely made a difference, and I ended up being pretty spot on with all the materials I ordered. Would have never found a few things Ivan if you hadn't pointed me in the right direction.
For any parts I outsourced here: Steve@ Absolute, Matt@ Cutting-Edge, Jake @ Irate, Nate&Eric @PTP. Thanks a bunch for the timely delivery and quality parts!
Weston, huge thanks for the pinpoints for the FICM relocation, without your help it probably would have been a giant mess.
Thanks to my favorite mod on the truck, extra oil.....I am not the original innovator of this idea, and am very thankful to Shawn and Ivan for the pre stages of all this. I was given just a hair amount of info to get the ball rolling, yet still come up with a unique kit that separates mine from theirs without being a 100% verbatim kit. Even though it was a serious time consuming chore to get a kit together, I am very please with it all, and owe it to them. Definitely worth it:demon: Poor guys probably had a more expensive phone bill from me. Hopefully you guys trek down to Ennis this year! And Shawn, you make some Gaw Damn good sticks! Even it took long from that UPS hassle, I am glad I sent them to ya.
Long post, yes, but thanks everyone for staying tuned. This was the least I could do for all these guys. I owe you one!:rockon::toast: