7.3 Turbo talk


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May 21, 2011
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9 miles high @ 550 mph
So a 476 with what exhaust configuration would you suggest?

im running a 72mm comp inducer turbo right now, and pulling is not a problem at all. Maybe thats just in the tuning, but it runs much better while towing in fact.

What would you suggest for a 200% nozzle looking for 550+ on fuel, towing is probably at the bottom of the list as it doesnt happen very often. And i dont want to spend for ball bearing.

I think your question to HRT is a very good one. The critical thinking on turbine wheel sizing is often neglected in focusing on compressor maps. IMHO head porting, cams, tuning can introduce so many variables, one is best to rely on those with hard earned experience (money, effort, time) to assist in proper selection.

To answer your question...more questions
Are you wanting to utilize the same mount (T4, T4i) do you have now? What is your budget for the turbo?

As far as a single goes...there's probably a lot of thought/math gone into why WOP doesn't sell any single for the 7.3 larger than the KASB.

Your experience with the 72mm turbo you have now...alot of this is individual preference and truck specific. What floats my boat, may sink yours. Example-DD Manual trans...every shift, the truck looses all boost, starts back at square one between shifts. Auto not so much. Towing-Can pick and hold a specific RPM easier than an auto. And so on...

Derek@Vision Diesel

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May 18, 2011
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Canby, OR
I think your question to HRT is a very good one. The critical thinking on turbine wheel sizing is often neglected in focusing on compressor maps. IMHO head porting, cams, tuning can introduce so many variables, one is best to rely on those with hard earned experience (money, effort, time) to assist in proper selection.

To answer your question...more questions
Are you wanting to utilize the same mount (T4, T4i) do you have now? What is your budget for the turbo?

As far as a single goes...there's probably a lot of thought/math gone into why WOP doesn't sell any single for the 7.3 larger than the KASB.

Your experience with the 72mm turbo you have now...alot of this is individual preference and truck specific. What floats my boat, may sink yours. Example-DD Manual trans...every shift, the truck looses all boost, starts back at square one between shifts. Auto not so much. Towing-Can pick and hold a specific RPM easier than an auto. And so on...
Well obviously id like to stay t4i, but that probably wont happen since the turbos are more expensive and there are less of them. Probably will end up swapping to T4.

My budget isnt a huge deal, but im not going to let myself spend over 1300 on the turbo. I know what i can get a brand new s475 for.

Maybe this 72mm turbo would be awesome in a s400 frame, but in the s300 it just seems like its fighting itself and did not impress me on the dyno AT ALL


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Jul 22, 2011
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I can't tell if Uncool and HRT are being serious about a Journal Bearing 75mm compressor inducer turbo or not.....

Why do you think that I am NOT being serious?

The turbo that you are questioning is going on 5 years old. It did start out on HRT's pulling truck. It did not have an easy life. It has not been rebuilt. It is now been on my truck for the last 2+ years. I drove cross country last year, hauled several loads of grapes on a 33 foot GN, most of lost grape hauls were close to 29K.

If you can't tow with a 70+mm turbo, then you are doing something wrong. Stop trying to tow in OD, grab a gear and hammer down. If you can't do that because you are afraid of hurting your motor then I don't know what to tell you.

Have a great day.:shrug:


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May 21, 2011
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9 miles high @ 550 mph
Not here to stir chit, but rather learn/share.

Sounds like you were serious then.

There you have it....the S476 is a towing turbo!

What turbine housing? What are the turbine wheel specs?


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Jun 9, 2011
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Surrey B.C.
Better off with a gtx4294

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk

Well you are comparing two different animals. an s471 at most is 1300, where as the gtx is what close to 3gs ? Dont quote me on exact price but Its a BIG jump.

The 468 flows more air than the 471! Just saying! And will be a faster wheel.

I cant find much info on a 468 ? Is it a modified turbo ?

No, that was the set up I was going to go with. Diesel boy runs it and has had great results so far.

Yes, I love mine. Cant wait to hit the strip ! Tows great, DD great and well if I want to I leave most behind me.

I can't tell if Uncool and HRT are being serious about a Journal Bearing 75mm compressor inducer turbo or not.....

My truck would tow, but with any weight/grade, the rpms need to be north of 2100-2200 rpm, otherwise EGTs got warmish, and you need to back out of the go pedal.

oldschool-If I was to spend your money, it would be on a GQSSB and either a Hypermax mount for it, or get a T4i mount built by Irate Diesel or Carson Stauffer. 38R would be the most economical route, but after you bought IH bellowed up pipes, got the right turbine housing (1.15) for it...you're pretty close to the cost of a GQSSB/T4i mount setup.

I don't think towing is on the top of the list of what a 7.3 should do when looking at 71mm+ comp inducer size turbos. My 2 cents for free.

Ill agree with first comment, and disagree with your last.

I run a 71 with 250/200s and in a reg cab truck I dunno how towing would work with a 75-76mm comp wheel. I would think you would be constantly under the charger or screaming past people.

But at the same time I wouldnt hesitate to tow up to the trucks capcity with my 71.


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Jun 9, 2011
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Surrey B.C.
Why do you think that I am NOT being serious?

The turbo that you are questioning is going on 5 years old. It did start out on HRT's pulling truck. It did not have an easy life. It has not been rebuilt. It is now been on my truck for the last 2+ years. I drove cross country last year, hauled several loads of grapes on a 33 foot GN, most of lost grape hauls were close to 29K.

If you can't tow with a 70+mm turbo, then you are doing something wrong. Stop trying to tow in OD, grab a gear and hammer down. If you can't do that because you are afraid of hurting your motor then I don't know what to tell you.

Have a great day.:shrug:

I'd like to know as well. As I am considering an s475 wheel on my turbo. I was told my truck would be a laggy turd on the street and towing large out the window by a said tuner. Since I have yet to see or hear of someone that tows large with a large charger (+71mm). And recommends it. I have been skeptical.

What injectors were you running ? Stock motor or built ? Exhaust side specs ?

UNCOOL, I dont think V-ref ment it as an insulting way. But more of Id like to learn. By reading your comments I kind of thought you guys were joking as well.


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May 19, 2011
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What you pay for with turbo technology is response vs airflow. Yes you can make power but at what cost? The fewer compromises a turbo has, the more it costs.


May 18, 2011
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Mingo, Ohio
Towing with a turbo like Uncool (Marc) is talking about is just a matter of tuning and driving style. Obviously when that turbo was on my truck it was a built motor - on Marc's truck its a stock bottom end truck. I'm not sure that I would want a turbo like that for towing at elevation - but I did tow a bit with it in 2007 playing around with it - and Marc has used and driven the hell out of that turbo on his truck - including driving it from California to Ohio and back again while making several stops along the way. I was running a hand shaker and he is running an auto with a PCS (he might have ran it some before he converted to an auto - I don't recall exactly). I've put S465 turbos with the small turbine wheel and .9 housings on a couple of truck around this area that tow in manual trans trucks - they have no issues towing with stage IIs - but again its all about tuning and driving style. In order to tow you need to keep your RPMs up a bit - its the nature of the beast - so many guys want to tow, but they want to keep the RPMs down and lug the truck - guess what a turbo like this isn't for you.


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May 24, 2011
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mechanicsburg, ohio
as jason was saying the s465 that was on my obs with the stage 2's and 6 speed towed great. Towing heavy was not an issue considering i had 30,000 behind the truck one day for quite about 50 miles and had no issues with building boost or it being a smokey pig and that was on the daily tune from beans.


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May 18, 2011
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I towed about 21,000 with an S475 and 300/200's was fine on EGT's just kept OD locked out.

Big Bore

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May 22, 2011
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9000ft in the CO Rockies
Ive red a bunch of these replys and on other sites, and don't really see what i'm looking for. What I want to know is i've got a 96 with standard tranny, intercooler and stage 2 inj. i'ts a work truck that tows sometimes up to 22k gross. stock turbo is starting to leak and needs replaced. I am happy with the power it can produce but am limited to exh temp. pulling grades at 8 or 9k ft, with 8k load, i have to back way out of the throttle to keep it at 1200 deg. Got lots more pedal. Would also like to reduce the smoke on lower end. so I want a turbo that will spool quicker and keep the high end flow and lower the exh temp. am looking at the d66 but see you guys talk up the s476. I would like to a little more info than use this or that turbo, i'd like to know why it's better, and what it'll do. Thanks for the info

Old school, I have towed with your exact setup/conditions/altitude. There is no single turbo that is going to solve your issue by itself. Some tuning might help, but prob won't. An injector with 200% nozzles and someone who knows how to tune at your altitude coupled with a decent flowing turbo is going to be better, but really isn't going to get you where you want to be. Be aware, high altitude means 5-6K to most people here, and they don't understand that the difference between 6K and 9K is much more dramatic than the difference between sea level and 6K, and refuse to acknowledge that it can be, even though they have no experience with it. Tuners in particular, even those who have been here live tuning, can't seem to grasp the concept. I know one who has, but he lives here ("here" being Rocky Mountains). I also don't think you are going to get what you are looking for without going to a compound setup, which is what I'm doing.


Jun 24, 2011
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casper Wy
A decent flow turbo is where i want to start, and am looking for advice on which turbo. I can live with slow spool, if I can keep the temps down on a long pull. Thats why the D66 caught my eye. In the next year or so, I'm gonna have to build an engine for it, but for now, was trying to get by with a turbo and then find someone who can get be the correct tunning, not just dump more fuel at it. You mentioned someone that "lives here". I'm a little farther north than you, but would be worth a trip to get a correct chip. Haven't found anyone here in Casper that knows jack about powerstrokes. the hot rod places like the cummins, so any help would be great.

Big Bore

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May 22, 2011
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9000ft in the CO Rockies
A decent flow turbo is where i want to start, and am looking for advice on which turbo. I can live with slow spool, if I can keep the temps down on a long pull.
Actually the slow spool is what's going to hurt you because you will be dumping fuel at lower rpms trying to keep/get your speed up and you will be under the turbo which is going to make a lot of heat, so you will be forced to back down/downshift like you do now.

Haven't found anyone here in Casper that knows jack about powerstrokes.

Dzchey knows a LOT about 7.3 Powerstrokes. In fact I have talked to him extensively about what I'm doing. You might want to PM him, he's a pretty good guy and I think one of the site owners. There is also a guy near you somewhere running a set of compounds on an OBS running a stock non wastegated turbo for the primary and I dont recall what he's running for atmo. Not that I think non wastegated is ideal at all, but just an example. I'm really becoming convinced that for a kickass tow rig, using a turbo like the GT4202 with large exh housing for an atmo, and externally wastegating the stock turbo is going to give a guy more useable horsepower while towing heavy at altitude.


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May 24, 2011
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mechanicsburg, ohio
i had stage 2's, intercooler, fuel system, and the s465 on my obs when i had it. The specs on the turbo were 63.5/83/.9 i never had any trouble towing with this set-up. The turbo unloaded would be spooled by 1500 rpms and it had absolutly no smoke with the turbo spooled. I was running beans tuning and i also towed on my daily tune the tow prolly would have been better. I will admit i have no experience with high altitude levels but as easy as it spooled on the street and towing i would say it wouldnt be a problem. Especially with a good tuner.


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May 18, 2011
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Rebecca Black took my seat
i had stage 2's, intercooler, fuel system, and the s465 on my obs when i had it. The specs on the turbo were 63.5/83/.9 i never had any trouble towing with this set-up. The turbo unloaded would be spooled by 1500 rpms and it had absolutly no smoke with the turbo spooled. I was running beans tuning and i also towed on my daily tune the tow prolly would have been better. I will admit i have no experience with high altitude levels but as easy as it spooled on the street and towing i would say it wouldnt be a problem. Especially with a good tuner.

How much boost were you hitting with that setup?


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May 24, 2011
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mechanicsburg, ohio
the stage 2's were in for just about a year when i sold it. the stock turbo didnt last long at 55 psi. The s400 went in with the 6 sp. i prolly had 10000 miles with the s400 and supporting mods when i sold some stuff off of it and sold the truck to house.

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