If you want to have that attitude Pete, then by all means, go ahead!
Nobody put down your 700HP truck, at all. Nobody is measuring dicks here, I haven't even touched that truck in over a year because of waiting for cool parts to go into production, just like all the R&D we did on my truck and all the first run parts ended up into YOURS before I ever touched mine.
I made a point that trucks with much more power don't hop. Its not a dick measuring contest. You of all people should know I don't care what kind of power a truck makes as long as it works, so you need to chill out of with that BS, and name calling like a hot headed kid, really?
You said something doesn't help an issue when it does, but I pointed out where your tire choice can easily counteract the help the part does. You realize that 99% of the people who read that aren't going to look into the details of that. So when you simply say something doesn't work, you're potentially causing future sale loss by the incompleteness of your information. Not everyone knows you run mud terrains, and you didn't specify that. You just said, "They don't help the hop at all".
That's as clear as day, I had to adhere to the masses, and all that equates to, is some dumb kid getting on Facebook saying, I read on forum ex that some guy said that ALA's don't help wheel hop so why should i buy them.
You need to look at the big picture before you get so bent out of shape, if I've offended you that bad, please by all means feel free to send all your OUO products back if you felt I've wronged you by showing pointing out a fault in your statement to save the integrity of my product.