bft blue oval boys
Active member
About 3k
Sent from a Cummins plant, driving a TDI, wishing it was a Powerstroke
About 3k
Who (besides you and I) is going through a build around our area?
sounds like a similar build ... we'll see who gets done first![]()
Matt said he had a few customers doing some stuff but not a 100% sure on what exactly
Im driving it next time i see you, like it or not!!!!!
63 or 66? Still have factory rods? Good luck, can't wait to see the burnout videos!
Sent from a Cummins plant, driving a TDI, wishing it was a Powerstroke
You and Sak getting pedicures while you are in town together?
As long as mike isn't around maybe we can make that happen. If mike is with you he will wanna drive and ill be walking home cause he will do that sweet window in the block mod I'm hoping doesn't happen
Nitrous for the 2.5 tons of driver in the seat?
Sent from a Cummins plant, driving a TDI, wishing it was a Powerstroke
If we do I hope you don get mad or feel left out. We still love you
Damn when did we start taking cheap shots at each other? I thought we was Friends lol
Bring yours to Ennis and lets line em up punkin
As long as mike isn't around maybe we can make that happen. If mike is with you he will wanna drive and ill be walking home cause he will do that sweet window in the block mod I'm hoping doesn't happen
So, bottom line is that this motor design is capable of not only a lot of power in the high rpm range, but it 'could' make a ton of bottom end power too, but the rods won't hold up?
So the 3 or 4 companies making turbo upgrades are going to make kits that only address the high end because they want to make bolt on kits, not something that needs the motor pulled and rods upgraded?
Makes me wonder if Ford will upgrade the rods in '14 or '15 to keep up with Chevy/Dodge HP claims. Also, will these aftermarket companies be offering kits specifically for people who do upgrade their rods.
As long as mike isn't around maybe we can make that happen. If mike is with you he will wanna drive and ill be walking home cause he will do that sweet window in the block mod I'm hoping doesn't happen
Well thats facking rude!!!I will break it in right for you!