While true I do get the point Ty is making. You can certainly see the trend when you start to add perf parts there is much more that then has to go to support that and it certainly does work the engine harder if you actually use that extra power with any regularity.
I have been super careful as an example with my trans. I have not so much has done a full half throttle run from a stand still. My trans is literally in perfect condition and has never been run hard. Has run Schaeffers all trans since I owned it @ 65K. Hell in this X it has not even towed anything other than a uhaul trailer LOL. That is why I got the BTS. Which I need to get it in ASAP BTW. I knew this all along so I bit my lip hard and resisted from using the power I have on tap.
But while I doubt the oil leak had to do with the power increases many things that do go wrong certainly do have to do with these or are at least pushed to the noticeable level because of them.
When you consider what you have to change out if you really want to do it right if you want to just put say 238/80% or 100% injectors. It sounds like something not that big but you have to basically ( Again to do it right) chip, turbo, fuel system, head studs, valve springs, push rods, HPOP, transmission and cooler, exhaust, intake, gauges.
Then you have the other stuff that has more stress put on as a byproduct of this. You then are have pushing ujoints in the drive line much harder, the hubs, gears. If you are having fun you are going to be chewing tires up faster.
Also once you crack into these, hunting the gremlins down seems to happen quite a bit more as you are messing and moving wires and connectors and crap starts to happen.
Thing is in stock form these trucks will run decent even with things no working quite optimally. There is enough cushion (tolerance) built into the stock system for this. But you add performance parts or even a chip and suddenly that IPR misbehaving just a bit is now really noticeable. That turbo that might have had seal going is toast in a week when it could have lasted a couple years longer in stock form.
You hear this all the time from the big shops. They get a truck in for perf upgrades like a set of injectors and a turbo but they first spend hours and hundreds if not thousands of dollars fixing all the little things that were already wrong with it but were liveable or went noticed before. Otherwise it will not run right with the jump in perf.
If I was setting a truck up that was say for my dad and had to just flat out work. I would put a fuel system in as the stock one is poor in terms of over all design and the deadhead is bad from a mechanical perspective.
But it would be a stock pump with pre (dahl) and post filter and the fittings between pump and tank would be changed to not suck air. It would be a regulated return not deadhead.
At most in terms of something that might need to be programed if I even went that far I might put stock single shots injectors in it because I think they are a less complicated work less and more durable. I would have the PCM flashed (no chip) It would have a tune that put it basically at stock power. A BTS VB in it as that would help even a totally stock trucks trans last longer IMO by keeping shifts crisp and not slipping into gear. 6.0 trans cooler. It would get a IH water pump so it would last and have a built in bypass filter. (notice many of the shops that offer bypass filters now offer the IH pump as a kit as well. Premium brake rotors and pads. Might upgrade to the F450/550 ends for the larger brakes.
Anything else changed would be in making the truck ride and handle better. But that would be it. I would not add any power maybe 275? vs the 250 stock. After I have watched the loads that we have pulled in my uncle's 110% stock F350 7.3 that now has 425K on it and runs very well. It does all you actually NEED. Any more is honestly for pleasure and lets face it there is a price for that which is certainly more than the one or two parts that make the extra power.