The AC/heater stuff that is....
Is there enough flexibility in the ac lines to move them to the side without discharging the system?
Yes, I did it on the latest one. It is a PITA compared to just removing the whole AC box as one unit. After you have a shop recover the 134a, it all slides out fairly easily when you find all the bolts under the dash. You then refill the system with a hydrocarbon enviro-friendly fill.
Cover is a pain to get off.
Then you need to wiggle it out.
Then you need to remove the box.
Here is a hint on where the 5 bolts are under the dash.
I personally just used a die grinder and cut out the old tty bolt with a vice grip on it so it doesn't fall. Then slightly dent the firewall and the stud fits easy.
Passenger side I removed the a/c box, inner fender, shock and a bunch of stuff to clear room. I would allow some extra wiggle time because it can get frustrating and take a while
There is no need to remove the inner fender, just the vacuum system bolted to it. The driver's side stud at the back can be done this way, but you can release the transmission mounts and jack it up. Some trucks seem to have more room than other - don't know why, but 1/2" goes a long way.
I have not removed the engine mounts to rotate the engine, but the oil pan just will not like supporting the engine on the lower portion as it will crush/dent under the weight of the engine. Found that out real quick with an engine on a lift that settled to the floor.