Mad stage 3 hits 605 rwhp with 190/100

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May 18, 2011
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Never saw him call out any other turbo builders...just people calling Adrian ignorant and rude....Adrian is a very down to earth, Hes a proud guy that has made some awesome turbos thus far.. and yes mink it does seem like no matter what it is, it isnt good enough or valid enough.. so until we put the rumors to rest.. track times and more dyno numbers are to come, whether you believe them or not LOL

Well then spend more time getting factual time slips/video and less time hating on former friends for dumb chit that they arnt all that guilty of.

I actually like some of the ideas going on with these turbos but the attitude is way wrong.


In the Brig (Banned)
Sep 27, 2011
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Well then spend more time getting factual time slips/video and less time hating on former friends for dumb chit that they arnt all that guilty of.

I actually like some of the ideas going on with these turbos but the attitude is way wrong.

LOL ok Josh, since you know me personally and know exactly what happened right...
and the "not guilty" person sent me several appologies today... admitting he lied to me... soo..
there is no attitude here... just trying to make power with a 6.0... and keep on offering comparable, better performing turbos than the Pmax..
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May 19, 2011
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Elkton, MD
I geuss having two trucks that hit the hightest on stock injectors on PHP dyno is not good enough for you Marty,

No, it's not good enough to say your turbos are making the most power. Plain and simple. From the beginning I have said you need to back up your big dyno number with a track time. If the truck doesn't run 100+ mph in any configuration besides a dually then it's NOT making 500rwhp unless you are at 4,000+ ft elevation. It is and always has been that simple. You come in as the "little" guy acting strange and throw out big numbers claiming records when you haven't even backed them up. That's what you are being called out on.

I had to go back and look at my rants and I never said I was the best turbo builder, I just said that my turbos are the best. You called me the best, for that I thank you.

Umm read below....

I know how to build turbos better than any out there, and will show how much in the next few months....

Look I build the baddest turbos hands down and I get no respect for it on here.....

I also tried to help you out by saying that if you commited on that rant you would be one of the guilty ones. I guess you can step back now and call yourself a retard.

LMAO Thanks but I don't need your help, you can call me whatever you like, you're the one people are making fun of.

I also guess must be hard to fight everday up there in Maryland against Maryland Performance Diesel,

Pretty sure we don't fight. In fact, I just got off the phone with Mike. We were laughing at your MAD skills.

as far as typing skills everone knows I lack those not a secert, just can't be leave you have to go personal attack. Feel free to explain how a turbo works and all the mathematic formulas, and physics that go along with it. I'll help you out here's a good site for you.

I believe your turbo building secrets must evade every other turbo builder in this country.

I'm confussed lol I'm I MAD or are you MAD, I thought I was MAD, but I guess your MAD.................Crap someone help me who's MAD, I guess I'm MAD.

Like I stated above, had you came on here saying "this is what I have done, track times to follow......" you would have had mass support instead of coming in here acting like you are gods gift to turbo's when you haven't proven anything. :doh:


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May 18, 2011
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LOL ok Josh, since you know me personally and know exactly what happened right...
and the "not guilty" person sent me several appologies today... admitting he lied to me... soo..

I dont know you...I do know your attitude on here along with MR.Madcracker...

Take the apology and move on rather then acting like its such a huge deal and trying to roast the people on forum...Its your life so do what you gotta do homie.

Regardless......attitude is all wrong.

get us track times, video and dyno sheets....then run your traps to all the shops/people.


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Apr 23, 2012
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Not really one to participate in these types of threads, as I'm more of a "voyeur"........but ummmmm yeah :poke:

I said the turbos where the best, not that I was the best, I should have said one of the best turbos built, and one of the best running turbo, and for that I'm sorry. But then again some would have thought I was saying I was one of best, still need to prove myself. Like people have told me before, not the best grammer, and speller, sometime what I write doesn't come out the way I think it. Should have been paying more attention in school.


In the Brig (Banned)
Sep 27, 2011
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No one is acting like gods gift to turbos marty, youre putting words into his mouth. And becuase he doesnt have track times directly after the turbo makes power on the dyno, were not allowed to embrace the dyno number? Who made you king dyno official? Why dont you sit back and enjoy the show...We will get your track numbers. its been said numerous times...but you still cant stand not throwing it out there that " its problably inflated" and "if it doesnt break 100in the trap its definitely not right"
quit being a hater LOL
Adrian's not going away any time soon

go check out Mal's old thread where he broke 1000 on fuel with his triples- I dont see any track times? haller's dyno must be perfectly accurate though right? Forget correction factor, add it to the record list! where were you then marty? oh thats right you dont hate on mainstream shops results....
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May 19, 2011
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Elkton, MD

I point out FACTS, I support with QUOTES and yet you are still too thick headed to understand the WHOLE time this has been about attitude and backing up claims of broken records. If he had come in here saying "This is what I did on this dyno... track times to follow, everybody get excited" everybody would have supported it. END OF STORY!

He literally stated and I quoted that he builds turbos better then anyone else out there. WTF don't you get about that? How do you not see that it's quite the claim based on VERY LITTLE factual data? Not to mention back handed to other vendors who HAVE supported their stuff! Once again, dyno's are for tuning or bragging about a #. Claiming to have overtaken records, claiming to be the best at building turbo's when you're new to the game, do not have supporting information, etc... is retarded. Simply stupid.

I can not believe that you are that dense. I just can't.

You are more then welcome to embrace the dyno number, for just what it is. A dyno number. I wasn't in that other thread, I haven't even read it. I regret opening this thread based on the naivety of the two people I am arguing with right now.


In the Brig (Banned)
Sep 27, 2011
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We have 100% intentions of backing up the numbers... Adrian is right in that if they are backed up with times, then he HAS broken several dyno records already. No one is asking to start a highest hp on this combo records dyno only thread marty. Dont get your panties in a bunch over some good horsepower numbers.


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May 19, 2011
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Elkton, MD
We have 100% intentions of backing up the numbers... Adrian is right in that if they are backed up with times, then he HAS broken several dyno records already. No one is asking to start a highest hp on this combo records dyno only thread marty. Dont get your panties in a bunch over some good horsepower numbers.

Swing and another phucking miss :doh:

Maybe you are that dense.


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May 18, 2011
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Even if we had track numbers, they would make the same arguement, that its only 1 track run and our slips got mixed up and the track was downhill and dont forget that east coast air is faster...

All I can say at this point is wow. The only people "hatin'" and "getting mad" is your "camp" because people said they wanted to see back-up via some track times. And they also said, including myself, that they understand the products are new and times will come eventually. But then y'all decided to start calling anyone that questioned the dyno numbers or asked for add'l results "haterz" and "mad" and a bunch of other stupid crap. And then acting like it was a "big dog" versus little guy thing because people would like to see more verification something that's new. :doh:

I told somebody earlier I was actually considering one of these pending track times since it seems like they might actually work pretty well, but after all these postings there's no way. I don't care if the turbos make 1000hp, I won't ever buy one or any associated product. I'd rather "get off the porch" as your "spokesperson/salesperson" put it to others.

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In the Brig (Banned)
Sep 27, 2011
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Sorry you feel that way Danny, I tell it like it is. I never see anyone question anyone elses dyno as to why we undergo the criticisizm of inflated numbers I dont know..could it be were the new guys on the block? and have never had a turbo to test? problably. However we will get you track times. Were not calling anyone out, the people I posted back to were the ones trying to call us out for putting inflated numbers out there. So if my response was in any way taken too harsh I appologize, We are just beyond tired of people telling us its not possible.


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May 18, 2011
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Sorry you feel that way Danny, I tell it like it is. I never see anyone question anyone elses dyno numbers..

Seriously??? I see just about every dyno number that gets posted get questioned. What's the cf? Was it backed up? Has it been to the track yet? None of that is anything new.



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Apr 23, 2012
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Swing and another phucking miss :doh:

Maybe you are that dense.

I for one am sorry to have gotten you all upset, I would rather just move on at this point. It's pretty obivous that you don't care for me and thats fine, I will just get the numbers both dyno and track and that's all there is to it. You come off a bit strong, and like a know it all, so of course I will defend myself. That point being is no one has to believe in the dyno numbers and if it upsets people when I post them than I won't. I'll just build the turbos and do what I do, so basically I'm sorry to all the members on here for the huge battle. I know one thing for sure JJ at Dozersdiesel is someone I want with me when it's time to throw down. I'm done with this and Marty have a good one, who knows maybe we'll meet some day.I will not post anymore dyno results or track times on here, since I geuss that the way some would like it. So after I get bigger numbers and get more guys out there running these turbos they can post whatever they like. JJ let it go it's not worth it, you know what I can do with a turbo, and so does anyone that has one of my turbos and thanks to 250owner , Matt and anyone else that had my back on this.If mods what to delet this thread go right ahead, not a big deal.


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Apr 23, 2012
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All I can say at this point is wow. The only people "hatin'" and "getting mad" is your "camp" because people said they wanted to see back-up via some track times. And they also said, including myself, that they understand the products are new and times will come eventually. But then y'all decided to start calling anyone that questioned the dyno numbers or asked for add'l results "haterz" and "mad" and a bunch of other stupid crap. And then acting like it was a "big dog" versus little guy thing because people would like to see more verification something that's new. :doh:

I told somebody earlier I was actually considering one of these pending track times since it seems like they might actually work pretty well, but after all these postings there's no way. I don't care if the turbos make 1000hp, I won't ever buy one or any associated product. I'd rather "get off the porch" as your "spokesperson/salesperson" put it to others.


I'm also sorry you feel that way also, and you are right track times will come. I geuss I got out of controll since I was still on the high of hitting over 600rwhp, and I thought was quite and accomplishment. JJ and I are very customer friendly, and would do anything to make sure the customer is happy. Like I said before JJ and I have been together awhile so if I get attack he responded and I thank him for that. Took my meds and I'm all good now LOL.......I have alot on my plate and need to regroup, I'm really not a person just get MAD every once in awhile.


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May 18, 2011
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We have a CCLB on 35's @8100lbs with an 03 turbo and batmowheel with 285cc's that went 13.0. which by the hp calculator is about 604 to the wheels.
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In the Brig (Banned)
Sep 27, 2011
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Seriously??? I see just about every dyno number that gets posted get questioned. What's the cf? Was it backed up? Has it been to the track yet? None of that is anything new.


not true. go to any e****/R****/M** dyno thread... nothing but congrats. We catch criticism because we are the new guys on the block and arent a mainstream shop.
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