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Anybody want to buy these injectors and nozzles?
good info.. do you know the cc's of that A pump? I mean if it was feeding 9l of motor it should be able to be turned up a lil for a budget build I would think..I'll take a swing at this and add my 0.01$.
That is an A size pump not a P. I believe the biggest bosch elements available for it are 10mm.....or 9.5mm like yours is. I have an identical A pump sitting in my shop. More than likely these are off the 9.0l internatonal NA motor.....a slug. But if you have the coin/desire, these pumps can be modified to put out bunch of fuel. Much more work involved than modifying a P series. The A will take a different drive hub as the P is heavier. Also the front bearing carrier is smaller as well, so you will also need a different intermediate plate(goes between new front cover and pump) than what companies are producing. The spacing between the elements is also a bit shorter but you could probably just bend the available fuel lines to make work. Then again I think the threads on the 8 fuel outlets on the A are smaller than the P too.
I've contemplated trying an A as well, but I keep going back to the P series. If you hunt around on e bay you will eventually run across one. But not all Ps are the same either. There's 3000 and 7000 series Ps, and others. I think most kits are set up for the 7000. I know on the 3000vs 7000, the cam bearing carriers are heavier/bigger on the 7, along with a bigger diameter cam nose (mates to drive hub). If the data tag read PES8....then it's a flange mount like your A, if the tag reads PE8.....then it's a cradle mount type; not worthless just not as desirable. The letter following the 8 (or could be a 3,4,6,8) is the series of pump. Some series are M, MW, A, P, H, Z. Sorry to ramble, just things I've observed over the years.
Oh wow thanks for all that info gwunter. i thought it was an A pump just wasnt 100% sure, sucks its so much different that i would basically need to redesign a kit to fit it, was hoping it would be easier (wouldnt that just be splendid). Probly be cheaper/easier to just buy a hypermax kit or something and be done with it wouldnt ya think? Like i said earlier im still at the begining of even looking into this stuff, so im not even up to full speed on whats all involved to piece together a kit to utilize my pump. Ill have to do more homework and see what i can figure out i got plenty of time.