Dude, you're all over the place here. Sounds like you are just flying by the seat of your britches. Slow down and check your work. Im not being a prick but how.can you be confident you didnt forget something else?
I have yet to put my motor back in so Im not busting your balls just reminding you to slow down and check things before you move on.
Good luck!
I have yet to forget a thing on the engine. Everything is put back together right inside and is torqued to the factory specs. Cant get better then that. You would be shocked at how many times I check things then come in and check the computer to make sure it is right. As for slow down??? This has taken me month to do. Nothing speedy about!!
One gear on the oil pump was put in backwords. that is all. Infact one of the gears no longer had the mark on it to show what way to put it. I got that one right! The one that had the mark on it got put in wrong. All it said was "out" So when i put it in I put it facing out of the oil pump housing. wrong way. They meant pointing out from the engine. The other pump I have has says dampener on it. That one was easy to get right!!!
All in all I wish now I would have bought a melling to start with. would have worked out better. I had no need to change the factory one, it was still working good, and as the saying goes if it aint broke dont mess with it. well now I will always change out the factory pump with a melling pump. No questions asked!!!
Do not worry. I do not take you as a prick. Just blunt!! I find myself being that way to. LOL
Thanks! Will be happy when the parts come in. If all goes well I will have abuilt engine to change it out for this fall or next spring. The built engine will get the work from top to the bottom.