If it not one thing it another. Funny thing is it ran for about 6 minutes no problem. I shut it off started it back up ran good did this a couple of times no problem. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and started it back up ran for about 5 to 6 seconds and it shut off, and would not restart. Checked the HPOP reservoir and it was dry! Filled it up and it started right back up ran for about 6 seconds again. after trying this a couple more times I quit and pulled the LPOP and changed it out with another one I had laying around and still no go. same old thing. starts and runs for 6 seconds then it dies. I might have to change the front cover. it has a little bit of scoring on a 1/4 of the surface.
I will try a couple more things on Monday, to see if that is it. I hope the oil pickup did not crack!! Might jack the back off the ground and see what happens.
And thats why i welded my pick-up. Only way its gonna crack is if a rod goes down through the crank and takes it out. LOL
can't remember where it was, but I was reading a similar deal the other day.....guy forgot to put one of the plugs in the back of the engine....oil was going down the rail, and right out the back, back into the pan...wouldn't run. hope that ain't whats going on here.....