riffraff billet wheel? ??

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May 18, 2011
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Mingo, Ohio
I believe the first 50 guys will get it for $200. No waiting list, no pre-orders. First 50 to see it and order it. After that it will be $259. We will update our Facebook page right before we activate the product for purchase...

That would be an awesome wheel tossed into a "D66" style van turbo for a work stock pulling truck.... it almost makes me want to go find someone looking to do that ....


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May 18, 2011
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And just to further clarify...

Every swinging dick with a superchips tuner calls the E99 compressor wheel a WW or Wicked Wheel or anything else like that. I would venture to bet 95% of them did not buy it from Bob.

Really on Riff-Raffs nuts arnt you....nice pom poms..


May 18, 2011
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Mingo, Ohio
As a side note I had crushing problems on my intakes back in 2005 and made my own inserts - the first set was 3" exhaust pipe cut 2" long or so and slit so it could slide down in the intake and then was tack welded in place with a Tig. I think it was in 2006 sometime when I machined a set with a lip on them so it was easier to install - and then that winter was when I built the motor and used the cast aluminum intakes. I don't even consider the intake sleeves to be on the same planet as the time and effort put into designing a compressor wheel. I could model and detail a print for intake sleeves in like 30 minutes if I was napping. LOL


May 18, 2011
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Mingo, Ohio
Just to prove a point:



  • Intake Plenum Insert.JPG
    Intake Plenum Insert.JPG
    177.1 KB · Views: 329


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May 18, 2011
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Bend, OR
Really on Riff-Raffs nuts arnt you....nice pom poms..

Sure... If you mean trying to clarify what is a copy and what is not...

Or do you mean not bashing a competitor's product as cheap Chinese crap???

Or do you mean something else?:doh:


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May 28, 2011
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Pearland, TX
It looks like we'll have those sooner than I thought. We'll be looking for the 1st 50 guys to get it at a discount next week! :redspotdance:

Shooting one off to Strictly Diesel for their review, and one to Beans to try in their D66. Excited to hear back from them.


Nice, ill keep an eye out for this


May 18, 2011
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Mingo, Ohio
This is as far as I'm taking it - I don't want anyone to copy this engineering masterpiece that I slaved over for minutes! LOL



  • Intake Plenum Insert Drawing.JPG
    Intake Plenum Insert Drawing.JPG
    240.3 KB · Views: 321
May 23, 2011
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Dalton,NH (The White Mountains)
WW or wicked wheel is a registered trade mark.. its registered to dieselsite.. any thing else is false advertising.. if it was called the RR wheel..that would be different.. it would be an un proven, un tested mod.. not good for the customer in my book..motors are expensive to replace because a shop is to cheap to test there product on there own before they sell them....sure it spool faster and makes a little more boost then stock..but with out testing how do you know its doing any good without back PSI reading and knowing your not spinning them bearing over there limits?? .. RR has very few mods he can call his own.. other then his inserts most are copy cats that never proved them selves years ago....his fuel cross over was thought of way before riffraff was around..it was proven to be a waist of time for moded trucks.. now look.... his parts pushers over on FTE has every one buying it and kicking them selves in the azz for doing so when they want bigger then stock injectors or like to race/pull with there stock truck and relize they just dont have enough fuel...his 2 piece plenums with orings and the messy glue to put it together was his idea.. the oring was thought of years before riff raff but proven to not last as long as the messy glue..oring dry rot if not used every day..where cold weather lives they get too hard to hold that kind of psi in a place that was not designed to hold an oring.....the list goes on..
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Strictly Diesel

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Jun 22, 2011
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So the fact that this has two letters in the name makes it horrible???


So if the WW part of the name was removed it would not longer be a copy? Just so we are clear on what makes it a copy and what makes it a stand alone product...
I never said the part was a copy. I said that using a TRADEMARKED product name from A DIFFERENT COMPANY to improve the sales of your own product is BS. The ONLY reason that RR has "WW" in any of his advertising is because Bob popularized the name when he gave it to the wheel he was selling and people liked it. It doesn't matter what customers call it, some still call it a "Banks Wheel" even though Banks didn't make it either...the point is that a SHOP using Bobs trademarked name to sell product they didn't buy from Bob is wrong...plain and simple. Even worse, they are using "WW" on a product that isn't even the same as the actual "WW"...they are only putting that in the description to get people to associate it with the trademarked name that Bob worked so hard to popularize. This isn't just directed at RR either, there are a bunch of shops doing it.

And just to further clarify...

Every swinging dick with a superchips tuner calls the E99 compressor wheel a WW or Wicked Wheel or anything else like that. I would venture to bet 95% of them did not buy it from Bob.

As I said, it doesn't matter what the end user calls it. I'm only commenting on what SHOPS call the product they are selling. How much do you want to bet Clay would be pissed off if I started using his company name to market my products. I'm sure I could find a way, and I'm sure I could do it in such a way that it even causes internet search traffic for his company name to return results for my company. This kind of BS goes on all the time in our business, but I won't play that game. Some of us just have more class than others...

Why can't Clay just market that as a Billet Compressor Wheel...why does he have to use "WW"? If the part is so great, it should sell itself!

Strictly Diesel

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Jun 22, 2011
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To further make my point, this is copied directly from the RR website. In this sample, he didn't even try to cover up his use of Bobs trademark by just using the initials...he used Bobs full trademarked name. Sorry...but this just isn't right!

These are 94.5-Early 99 Powerstroke compressor wheels used to minimize surge on the 99.5-03 7.3L. Similarly known as "Wicked Wheels", these wheels feature a "lowered vane" design which increases and improves flow throughout the rpm ranges.


May 20, 2011
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NW Arkansas


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May 22, 2011
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Central California
See how it say's "known as" didn't say it was. You and I both know that Wicked wheel is a generic name, heck a wicked wheel isn't nothing special at all its a early 99 stock wheel, its not like Bob has them made at all its just a borg wheel. The only reason you are so much into this thread is because Riffraff is such a direct threat to you, other wise you wouldn't be wasting your time here. Acting like 5 year olds :doh: great way to run a business! LOL

To further make my point, this is copied directly from the RR website. In this sample, he didn't even try to cover up his use of Bobs trademark by just using the initials...he used Bobs full trademarked name. Sorry...but this just isn't right!

Strictly Diesel

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Jun 22, 2011
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You're missing the point. It's not about the part, it's about stealing another companies trademark or identity. "Wicked Wheel" is a trademarked name that belongs to DieselSite...PERIOD. Using that name to promote a product that wasn't purchased from DieselSite is a dick move! It's no different than when another company started the website "www.bulletproofyourdiesel.com"...they were trying to ride on the reputation and popularity of Bulletproof Diesel but were not selling BPD parts. That's WRONG! It's misleading and shameful. Do business with whoever you want...but to me, how a business deals with it's competitors is just as much of an indication of their character as how they deal with their customers.

Many of you know the history of our company name and the BS we went through after I merged ITP with Strictly Diesel. If there was ever a situation where a little "screwing with" the other company would be justified...that was it. I would be totally justified if I were still angry and wanting to screw around with that other companys name to somehow benefit my company...but the way I see it...taking the "high road" is the best way to go. To hell with them...they can do what they want and Karma will handle it for me. I've got bigger things to focus my attention on. Some companies don't need any more of a reason than the possibility of making another sale to justify their less than scrupulous actions though...


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May 18, 2011
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Bend, OR
WW or wicked wheel is a registered trade mark.. its registered to dieselsite.. any thing else is false advertising.. if it was called the RR wheel..that would be different.. it would be an un proven, un tested mod.. not good for the customer in my book..

Curious as to if you have any contact with Riffraff to know if this wheel has been tested? So your speaking to thinks you have no information on...

motors are expensive to replace because a shop is to cheap to test there product on there own before they sell them....sure it spool faster and makes a little more boost then stock..but with out testing how do you know its doing any good without back PSI reading and knowing your not spinning them bearing over there limits??

You do understand that you know nothing right?

You do understand that Bob uses customer's trucks to test products on all the time right??? Even these wheels out there are being sold as test units, similar to his HPOP's over the years... Its pretty common practice and something I have done for MANY VENDORS over the years.

Just because you dont read it on the forums doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

.. RR has very few mods he can call his own.. other then his inserts most are copy cats that never proved them selves years ago....his fuel cross over was thought of way before riffraff was around..it was proven to be a waist of time for moded trucks.. now look.... his parts pushers over on FTE has every one buying it and kicking them selves in the azz for doing so when they want bigger then stock injectors or like to race/pull with there stock truck and relize they just dont have enough fuel...

SO you now know how much power a stock fuel system is good for? And think a product that fixes the dead head issue is garbage?

I put down over 460hp on a stock fuel system... NOT a damn thing done to it other then a shimmed FPR...

Good lord man, come at this with something worth a crap.

his 2 piece plenums with orings and the messy glue to put it together was his idea.. the oring was thought of years before riff raff but proven to not last as long as the messy glue..oring dry rot if not used every day..where cold weather lives they get too hard to hold that kind of psi in a place that was not designed to hold an oring.....the list goes on..

What messy glue are you talking about? I have a set of these and have yet to find this "messy" glue you are bitching about...

How would these O rings not get used everyday? Same type of O rings are used in your compressor housing of your turbo... Your water pump uses an O ring, bet its garbage too...

If your going to hate on a vendor for something have something to base it on.:doh:


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May 18, 2011
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Bend, OR
You're missing the point. It's not about the part, it's about stealing another companies trademark or identity. "Wicked Wheel" is a trademarked name that belongs to DieselSite...PERIOD. Using that name to promote a product that wasn't purchased from DieselSite is a dick move! It's no different than when another company started the website "www.bulletproofyourdiesel.com"...they were trying to ride on the reputation and popularity of Bulletproof Diesel but were not selling BPD parts. That's WRONG! It's misleading and shameful. Do business with whoever you want...but to me, how a business deals with it's competitors is just as much of an indication of their character as how they deal with their customers.

How else would you like the product be called?

Its a E99 compressor wheel... Commonly known as a Wicked Wheel to anyone in the industry...

I just dont see how the fact that the it says "Similarly" means anyone is riding anyone's coat tails...

Similarly known as "Wicked Wheels", these wheels feature a "lowered vane" design which increases and improves flow throughout the rpm ranges.

Thats like saying Pepsi cant call its soda Pepsi-cola, because Coke calls theres Coke-cola...


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May 22, 2011
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Central California
Here you go talking about stuff you know nothing about at all. All of the wheels Riffraff offer have been tested before they went out to the public. Hey guess what there are even more wheels being tested as we speak that few on here have even heard about. Just cause no one sent you a letter in the mail with your name on it did mean it did happen Ron.

it would be an un proven, un tested mod.. not good for the customer in my book..motors are expensive to replace because a shop is to cheap to test there product on there own before they sell them....sure it spool faster and makes a little more boost then stock..but with out testing how do you know its doing any good without back PSI reading and knowing your not spinning them bearing over there limits??
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May 20, 2011
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NW Arkansas
You're missing the point. It's not about the part, it's about stealing another companies trademark or identity. "Wicked Wheel" is a trademarked name that belongs to DieselSite...PERIOD. Using that name to promote a product that wasn't purchased from DieselSite is a dick move! It's no different than when another company started the website "www.bulletproofyourdiesel.com"...they were trying to ride on the reputation and popularity of Bulletproof Diesel but were not selling BPD parts. That's WRONG! It's misleading and shameful. Do business with whoever you want...but to me, how a business deals with it's competitors is just as much of an indication of their character as how they deal with their customers.

Many of you know the history of our company name and the BS we went through after I merged ITP with Strictly Diesel. If there was ever a situation where a little "screwing with" the other company would be justified...that was it. I would be totally justified if I were still angry and wanting to screw around with that other companys name to somehow benefit my company...but the way I see it...taking the "high road" is the best way to go. To hell with them...they can do what they want and Karma will handle it for me. I've got bigger things to focus my attention on. Some companies don't need any more of a reason than the possibility of making another sale to justify their less than scrupulous actions though...

No. I understand your point perfectly. It's just misguided.

The term wicked wheel is used to describe the early 99 wheel.

We all know this because we all know our trucks pretty well.

However, most new comers do not. So most people refer to the anti surge cure as a wicked wheel.

I could tell people to go buy an early 99 compressor wheel and get no where.

It's not like Bob designed the damn thing. But what he did do is market it. And did it very well. To the point that an early 99 wheel is known as a WW.

I can say with no doubt that Clay is not copying bob Riley's wheel or using his "trademark" to market it.

Be realistic people
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