Quick clarification 7:1 is an A-code, 6:1 is a B-code, 5:1 is a hybrid.
Just because an injector has a lower injection ratio doesn't mean it will have a lower injection pressure under certain injection conditions. As ICP increases and the injection speed increases - you get a drop in oil pressure due to flow through the poppet of the injector - this pressure drop can be high enough that the lower injection ratio injector with its lower oil volume (and consequently flow) requirements can get a higher oil pressure to the intensifier.
If all else is equal on a pair of injectors except for the injection ratio - if you take the ICP high enough - you will get more actual fuel injection pressure at the tip on the lower injection ratio injector. Under low ICP conditions the higher injection ratio injector will have the higher injection pressure.
Hope that makes sense... lol
Yes, I am not an expert lol. I had the classifications wrong between b-code and hybrids.
And yes by raising the icp on a lower ratio plunger you overcome the lower nozzle pressure while using less oil volume. And yes due to the shear amount of oil volume that a 7:1 injector uses it will have the pressure drop across the poppet and slower injection events will occur which will invariably lead to possible lower tip pressure.
All things alike in a perfect world the ratio will coincide with different relative nozzle pressures given that each was compared with the same icp, nozzle size and pulsewidth.
BTW, I don't care for building HEUI injectors. I do it because I have too! Common rail injectors are so much easier on my brain and balding head!
Lol but its like everything on powerstrokes, if it was easy everyone would do it.
Sent while hooked to something, somewhere, with my foot through the floor!