I've been wanting to get my hands on some detailed drawings/sketches. I have a copy of Autodesks cfd program that we use at work for all of our nozzle flow modeling. You wouldn't happen to have those files handy, would you? I would love to play around with them.
Btw, how is the recovery going? Hope you have been able to kick the flue and pneumonia in time for New Years.
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Ah, the early days of injector battle...
Glad you are feeling better and dealing with bronchitis instead of pneumonia (memory is slipping).This was a million years ago and about 5 or 6 computers ago. I actually modeled it to figure out why a hybrid flowed better than an A code with the same nozzle. I had to know how it was possible that a lower hydraulic ratio was producing higher injection pressure. I got my answer...
The Flu had to run it's course, I graduated to bronchitis and finished my last antibiotic last night, so I'm on course to pour beer on my head and fall down tomorrow night![]()
why split shot?
To see how much smoke I can keep from the pipe with big HP. Should get a more complete burn when adding oil to a fire that is already there.
But the initial shot uses the majority of the high-quality oxygen before the larger quantity is injected and is searching for remaining oxygen molecules.
In an injector whose biggest flaw is oil inflow rate.... split shots are about as handy as Aids. Just take available inflow rate and subsequent coveted intensifier piston drop speed and throw it away right after you get started for a period of time, then start doing work again.
I can tell you right now, for 500hp clean, you don't need anything special, or anything from this thread. People were doing that a decade ago. I was clean at 550 nearly that long ago.
I bet you could do it with a 38R now. 200 nozzle and wheel upgrade at say 2.5ish milliseconds, 3000psi. Have to be close if not get it.
This is possible with a ZF6 after mashing the pedal at a dead stop?
I have a DPC-421/DAC3 and a DPC-452/EBM2. Do I need two definitions?
I had Bill live tune my '96 with 250/200% and 38R and we were down to 385 hp or so before it was totally smoke free. So I don't really think a little 38R will suffice for what you want, but add something like the GT47 and you are in a different animal.