Kind of like the one with Mike-O passing his emissions test at 600rwhp with 400% nozzles?
Obviously some of us are having a hard time understanding these people talking about smoking all the time on a little 200 after actively working to tune them to run cleanly.
It's like me trying to understand these people that can't get the 1.15 turbine housing to work on the 38R.
What planet are we all on?
Btw, your account of the 200's is spot-on to what I saw.
I think in part there is something you have noted before at the end of that old smack down thread on larger nozzles. The amount of tweaking and adjusting of tuning it takes or at least has in the past taken. How many revisions of tunes did you have before you had things dialed in? This is also done in the truck live not mailed. I also think it will take, as was also mentioned, some time for very good base tunes to be formulated for the various combos. It was only in the last maybe year that 200% were really considered widely as DD and not comp size nozzles. I know they were already being used but the main stream at least what I saw still saw them as rather large.
I know Matt has spent some solid time now tuning a number 200% running gt42 size turbos. Sun PSD I think is one he live tuned. I think it was from that work my tunes came from and honestly when I started it up and loaded those tunes the truck idled like stock. The short drive I had there was no smoke issues at all. Hopefully we will see more and more refinement of the base tunes as more and more people are running these for general use truck setups.
I can't comment either way on the effects to egt, mpg, and smoke compared tosay 100% as I have not direct experience comparing them on the same setup. I would think the 100% being smaller holes would offer better injection quailty and that would be seen as better mpg and less smoke. But then maybe in turbo setups like this those differences do not have any tangable effect that adjustments in tuning can not workout. I just don't know but then there is proof the big nozzles are doing it.
What I do know is I am super happy I choose 200% and not the 100% I had originally thought of getting a year ago. In fact I almost wonder if 400%, with the mods now avaibale for them, would not have even been better for my goal. Not for more max fuel but to carry the same fuel I can now get at 2-2.2ms stretched out to say 1.4-1.6 ms. Seeing a number of these 400% idle and tool about town like yours Mike's and a few others, some with single turbos about my size, I realize with some extra time in tuning I would likely have been happy. As I have no big towing aspirations I am not sure there would be a signigficant trade off for me.