Than build yourself a turbo Walt. I would be more proud of a functioning combo, I'm sorry but these I am enginer check out my broken motor is a joke.
Your a joke. All I see from you is pointless comments about nothing that has to do with you, and get it right. My combo worked great and was in great running condition when I pulled it out. I've never seen any info from you on any post that actually provides useful info. I'm sorry that your incompetence brings you down but you don't need to drag everyone else down.
By the way. How does everyone on the forum know if setups work? Oh yea by TRIAL AND ERROR JACKA** BY PEOPLE SPENDING TIME AND MONEY TO GET ANSWERS FOR EVERYONES BENEFIT!!! So quit acting like your a rocket scientist!
And also since your so smart, it's "engineer" and a "motor" is electric. I work on my "ENGINE"