What does Tim say about the possible injector problems? He willing to warranty a set?
Harbor freight sells a cheapo one for $30 (item 93644). Most auto parts stores will rent you one too. The glow plug thread is M10x1.0.I agree on the comp test. I need to round up a tester and the time to do it myself. I had an off duty ford tech look it over and he said compression was good, but when I asked for numbers,he said he didn't write them down, but they were good. I've seen a hundred videos of bigger injectors doing everything better than my little hybrids, just makes me madder.
I'll probably get the slam down for this, but Unlimited has a Lifetime warranty on their injectors.What does Tim say about the possible injector problems? He willing to warranty a set?
What does Tim say about the possible injector problems? He willing to warranty a set?
Here's some videos:
Rough idle
Loud tick:
Smooth idle:
At any given moment within a 15 minute drive, the truck will run smooth or rough. I've had it run smooth for a few days, or a few minutes at a time.
I am sorry, I am not sure who "the brad" is. Please send me a pm with your info.
Our warranty covers anything our hands touch. We do ask for assistance in diagnosising issues from the owners or mechanics involved. As we can not from a distance say for certain if the issues lie with our product or a number of things that could be at fault.
in this instance I do not personally recal an ongoing issue. We typically work with a customer until a conclusion is come to.
At this point all I can say is injectors do as they are asked by programming/hpo input. If your issue comes and goes like a switch is thrown, I would also be looking at an electrical issue.
I feel like it's electrical too.
I'll probably get the slam down for this, but Unlimited has a Lifetime warranty on their injectors.
Hope you get your issues worked out.
Hey Tim, I sent you an email to: [email protected]
This issue is over a year old, partly my fault as I could only spend so much time troubleshooting between 60hr work weeks and 3 kids in Club soccer. Not trying to make this into an anti PIS thread, I'm just trying to make my truck do what it should.
If you have any data you want me to collect, I have the tools to do it. When we last spoke, you offered me a replacement set at a discount. At the time I didn't have another $5 to spend, so I placed my bets on tuning.
Had same issue.
At times idled and ran like a cut cat. Othertimes it sounded ugly, rattled, hesistated on acceleration, smoked terrible and blowby increased dramatically.
Testing resistances at engine 42pin would come back at 3.0-3.1, same as testing at injectors. Seriously thought it was the injectors, mechanically but this didnt explain it being intermittent.
Well, it acted up one day and I immediately pulled the 42pin and tested inj resistance. Found the right bank reading 6.5ohms to each inj but after only 2-3mins it returned to the normal reading.
Changed uvch and gasket, problem solved in my case.
Your truck acts, sounds and smokes like mine did. I can start it up on a 10* day unplugged and it smokes less than before on 60* day plugged in.
I'm not sure how air can be sucked into the heads. Everything after the pump is under pressure, nonetheless, I do have a Riffraff FRx which is a metered return. It eliminates the dead head design, but requires a little more volume out of the pump due to the fact that the metered fuel coming out of the heads bypasses the stock regulator. My fuel pressure sender is mounted in the fuel bowl test port after the filter.
I've replaced my working IPR, ICP, UVCHs, EBP and tube, and I'm sure a few other things I can't think of right now. My map, baro and EBP all read within .2psi if each other and no oil in the ICP plug. I've run Buzz tests, Cyl contribution tests and Perdels and everything passes, even during a rough idle.
My next step will be a compression test (seen with my own eyes) and to try another IDM. Does a faulty IDM always throw a p1316 code, or is it common to have a bad IDM and no codes?
Did you checkout my previous post? Your truck is acting the same as my old late 1999 7.3 with 160/100's me or swamps couldn't figure what was wrong everything check out good.
Truck had
new swamps HVHF IDM , new T500 , new swamps 160/100's, new VC gaskets, UVCH's, new cps , fuel sump, AD-100 (for filters) new fuel pump, PHP Hydra with swamps tunes GTP38R W/ WW2 new ICP sensor/harness and IPR. I was on a DPC-432 FHP2 PCM with PMT1 tunes on the hydra. I always had a "up and down" idle even with stock injectors with DP tunes on a F5 with the FHP2 432 strategy when I changed injectors I changed to the hydra and swamps tunes.
swamps had to do ALOT of tuning changes for the truck to even get it to idle right after bunch tuning changes via 100% nozzle tunes it helped a bit but idled the same rough a few minutes then smooth then back to rough and stayed rough idle and ticking. Verified compression was good, fuel pressure was excellent ICP/IPR numbers good at idle and WOT and other PIDS were good ,connections were great No oil/HPOP leaks. Oil level was normal no codes
With the changes to the 100% nozzle tunes not helping very much we decided to try different nozzle size tunes. I ended up trying out 200% nozzle tunes then boom switched to those 200% nozzles tunes everything just idled so smooth idled better than stock (even with the DP) and all my problems were gone and gained (SOTP) more power. So what ever differences the 200's tunes had that the 100's tunes didn't have solved every problem.
I know you got different size injectors/nozzles and tuner but the problems are very similar (watched the videos). If all your things check out good compression wiring and pids fuel pressure IDM etc and nothing via hard parts changes anything I would chase after the tuning. Is the chip in the PCM tight?