The Brad
New member
i have this exact issue, except with my 238/80's. ALWAYS have had high egt's. Always 1000* plus when towing no matter what. Did bellowed uppipes, new boots, checked for leaks etc. Will huff gray smoke at idle no matter the temp with a raw fuel smell, sub par mileage. Always had the issue with FFD238/80, shouldve pulled them and sent them back when i first got them to check them out, but i just thought it was the nature of the beast. Recently did a compression test. 400-450 on all cylinders. 268,000 on the clock
I beginning to think people are understating their egts. My truck with stock turbo, injectors and DP tuning would tow circles around the truck I have now. I run 1000* egt doing 65 up a 2-3% grade UNLOADED! I think my WW2 is useless under 2200 rpm, which I think is why they came out with the billet 6/6 wheel.
I don't know what to suspect with any certainty. Since the romp isn't oil temp correlated....hmmm.
It never did this as a stock inj truck?
When stock it probably romped 4 times in 13 years and that was either at high altitude, or really cold mornings. But idle was always smooth.