I see where you guys are coming from, and agree to some extent, but where do you start? Where do you stop eh? (If you know what im stabbing at) I mean the engine has ran without complaint thus far and has been driven rather hard, I understand completely where you guys are coming from and I'm going to roll the dice on this engine, it has all the right parts, carillos, head studs, push rods and valve springs, And we'll find out what a CFD engine can hold! Then i plan on getting a long block from ford and getting either an elite or spe touch to it.. This could be near future or further on down the road!

depends what happens!
And I'm confident that it has the parts in that engine that I paid for, rods, new crank, new pistons, new rings, head studs, push rods, valve springs & retainers.. If not, I'm sure we'll find out when it comes appart!