Just for the record this is not about who uses who. We do not get on here and bad mouth other Tuners or individuals. Heck we barely even get on here when someone like Charles is spreading false and inaccurate information and blatantly attacking us and what we do and our business.
My information was 100% correct and 100% accurate with ZERO alteration, or misrepresentation. The timing in my file was 26.5 at 3000rpm and every other factor IDENTICAL, the timing in Jody's was 37.5. Period. Don't even bother claiming that it is untrue. A
short jaunt back through threads past will affirm to you quickly that I DO NOT LIE. Period. Nor do I work to decieve anyone.
Charles, use who you want to use and offer any advise you want but dont get on a public forum and use that as a platform to promote your own personal agendas or promote how smart you are or build yourself up by openly and deliberately spreading false information about someone else.
I don't think that adding 12 and 25.52 makes me a genius. And the only "agenda" I had in this thread was to
stop the spread of false information. I posted the
actual maps bud. That kind of means you can stop with all the hoorah and step out from behind the curtain. We're all done with that.
Charles you are getting way out of line. This is absolutely ridiculous.
The graphs you posted are such a joke in how you reference them. First the title at the top of them says PHP TUNES.......ARE YOU SERIOUS? How does anyone know really what you put on the screen especially considering your bias? I can have a monkey paint a picture and then post it up with some nice verbage and how is that any different? Seriously think about it, you bias is so obvious I laugh when I look at the graphs you posted.
You have clarified your level of expertise with these comments. It says PHP Tune because that is the person I payed for my version of PCMX. It could say sniper or minataur or anything else and it wouldn't change one thing about the maps I then opend up with that application.
And the maps I posted were opend up one right after the other, same resdef, same EVERYTHING. I did not change views, I did not change ANYTHING for the sole purpose of making their viewing 100% objective. That application read both of those files exactly the same. His just had 11 degrees
more timing at 3000rpm, 3000psi and normal operating oil temp. Fwiw, I actually chose the lower of the two injection offset values in the operating range just to err on the UNbiased side if anything.
And all it takes is for Jody to go show you the exact copy of "heavy tow" that I was running on my 550 for you to see that it is EXACTLY what I posted. He already knows this. You can rest assured that Jody knows what I posted to be 100% true and 100% accurate if he has bothered to pull up the file and check back.
Here is my favorite though and really shows your total lack of knowledge and your willingness to personally attack Jody at any cost whether or not it is true. You so graciously referenced 135 deg of timing on a 5 year old tune.........seriously Charles, you mean to tell me you were not aware of the fact this is in FORD'S STOCK tuning under certain oil temp, coolant temp, air temp and other factors? You did not know that? Really? I thought you were a genius on this stuff and you did not even know this is a stock Ford parameter they have in the stock tuning stating that IF certain parameters line up it can actually call for over 130 deg of timing and you post this out there as if Jody did this.
You need to stop typing on a public forum if you want anyone to take you serious. Are you a young kid? If so, then just chillax until your nuts drop.
As for the above, the parameter I referenced is a safety catch that most of us use to ensure that even if everything goes wacky.... EOT sensor spazes out, anything.... that the timing can never go over _____. I specifically stated this to be a safety catch, and that it being 135 in Jody's file meant that it would not stop anything, as 135 might as well be 1350 for all the rods care. The reason I mentioned this was because even with his file itself actually calling for 37+ degrees..... IF, he had set this parameter at some practical value, it would have negated the two maps I posted and stopped the timing from climbing any higher. But he didn't.
It is
very obvious that Jody has ranted to you and you have no practical experience aside from what he tells you. If you think you are in the right and I am some rogue moron sent to attack your beloved Jody, think again. Seriously investigate your surroundings bud.
Most likely you will never see this on a stock truck BUT it is there if the conditions are met and Ford put it there. Now, this is altered slightly by year models but it is still scary high. No tune we sell can run a timing advance that high or even close due to overriding limiters that are in place so when you talk about BS then I am calling you out on that one.
You can set the tables to 150 deg BTDC and it makes no difference as there is an overriding table that will not allow it to go past that inputed number.
I would urge you to possibly try
reading what I wrote about that parameter one time. You obviously didn't the first go-round. I stated that it was the maximum allowable, and that it was used as a safety catch. And I clearly stated that Jody having it at 135 meant that it wouldn't stop anything. It's like a rev limiter set to 20,000rpm. Does that mean I think it will force the engine to 20,000? No. But it damn sure isn't going to limit anything at a point where it might keep rods in the block though is it?
The point in showing the maximum timing parameters was to show that it wasn't negating the two maps I posted. If he had set it to 15, then it would have negated the entire problem, and I would have never posted? Can you understand that? I urge you to try.
So you take a 5 year old tune where advances have been made by leaps and bounds by ALL tuners over the past 5 years. We have no way of knowing what the graph really is. You then list a built in FACTORY parameter that can ask for up to 130 deg of timing and you attribute that to Jody. Then you basically call him an ignorant moron on a public forum.
It is the only program of his that I have. My own program I paired it with for comparison was at least year or two
older! Yet my timing was perfectly sane. Fwiw, the program I showed pulled 635rwhp, so it's not as if it was some lame duck of a program. It was
the program that I referenced in my first real conversation with Jody, face to face, when I told him I was running 28* max and he looked at me like I was stupid. As if that was an outlandishly high value. I will not address the maximum allowable timing parameter again as I think I have clarified that sufficiently for you.
You and everyone else are entitled to his own beliefs or thoughts but you have gotten ridiculous Charles.
There are no beliefs involved. These are numbers stored in a computer memory. They are what they are. I made ever effort to ensure that they were presented as clearly as possible. If his program was fine, trust me, I've got better things to do. I only took time out of my day to upload those screen shots because I do not tolerate misinformation when I have reason to believe it is being dispersed.
I am posting this so people will know not to just take what someone posts on the internet as the total truth because they post some graph or something. I mean in this situation here Charles is referencing something that is part of FACTORY tuning and trying to create an image to others that Jody did this. That is sneaky and wrong. Go pull a stock tune genius and tell me what the maximum allowable timing COULD be under CERTAIN parameters. Not what it is but what it could be and you list this as if this is what yours was. Wow!
You know what the timing WAS though? At 3000rpm, 3000psi and normal operating temp? Since that maximum value was set so HIGH..... the ACTUAL timing for the engine was 37.5*. That what ACTUALLY went down. My map for reference was only 26.5, and in my tow program I actually run on the truck now, it's a mere 24 degrees at the same conditions.
Those are the key takeaways. Not whether or not you can read.
423-709-8640. This is my number if you would like to finish this discussion personally and like adults. I look forward to hearing from you on the phone. If you choose to continue your rant then by all means knock yourself out but if you choose to bring your rant toward me then you call me personally. If you do not call me personally then dont bother throwing darts at me on a forum behind a keyboard. You have ran up several posts uncontested and you have had your say. I have now had my one and my say so from here there is no reason for anything on the forum from either of us be directed at each other in this thread. My offer stands and my number is listed above. The folks dont need to wade through alot of posts between you and I. Just call me and you and I can continue the discussion personally.
I intend to. And if your mind is open to this subject then at the end of our conversation you will have some very, and I mean
very different understanding of quite a number of things. The second I finish this post your phone will be ringing. I don't know where you are, but hopefully the timezone works out, because I have a lot to fix in your mind.
Carry on folks but please dont take EVERYTHING you read on a forum as the truth. The forums are a good place to get valuable information and gain tremendous knowledge. However they are forums where there are people that you may or may not know if you ran into them on the street and you have no way of being able to verify everything they are saying.
To anyone in this thread that has our product and has an issue, feel free to contact me personally and I will do everything I possibly can to help you. We are not perfect 100% of the time but we will try to help you and do the best we can.
Fwiw, I did get one PM on this subject after I made my initial posts. I did not expect it, but I got one.
Just so that you people understand my level of "bias", or lack thereof, this is the entire PM diologue in full:
Originally Posted by Charles
Originally Posted by fbilly420
I have a DP F5 chip with 7 programs on it. I have been running it for a few years now. After reading your posts in the "MY EGT's are high" thread I am ready to pull it. CAN you re-burn it? WOULDyou re-burn it? Nothing fancy I am just worried about my engine now. I am still running stock injectors and have over 200K on the motor. I have always thought my egt's were a little high across the board.
I don't burn chips for people. Besides, with stock injectors you are at little risk for any issues. If you wanted to change tuners, do it for preferential reasons, not out of fear of hurting anything.
Lastly, you can't use his chip if you wanted to change. He uses some moates thing that nobody else works with. I'm sure someone could do it, but it would be impractical.
Unless you are unhappy with the way the truck runs I wouldn't worry yourself. The truck is at little risk of hurting itself. Besides, you've already been running it for a long time.
Don't worry.
Thanks for the honest reply.
I have been debating for a while and I think I am going to switch tuners. I am really leaning towards Swamps.
Thanks again
My intention is NOT to sell programs, or tuning, or make people switch tuning. My intention is, and ALWAYS has been to make sure people are getting accurate info.