New member
personally I don't care by who or how many times a set is flowed but just for arguments sake, why does the mfg not satisfy your QA/QC concerns? if anything, when a mfg claims that their product has been evaluated and tested under their quality control measures, they would have even more vested interest in making sure the product they are selling performs as advertised. otherwise confidence in their product would evaporate. in my industry, manufacturers backing their product with strict quality control measures and internal certifications demands a premium. in fact, the internal testing that goes into our products makes up a MASSIVE portion of our COGS (cost of goods sold) but our customers recognize the value and $$ behind our QC process and that's one reason they pay more for it.
You bring up a valid point. And, if I hadn't had the experinces I have in the pst, I would very inclined to agree with you completely. In my industry, QC and QA testing are different. QC testing is performed by the manufacturer or supplier, and it is done on a large scale. QA or QV as we call it (quality Verification) is done by the client or customer, whom I represent. The testing is done on a smaller scale to ensure the product being purchased is infact what it is supposed to be. As long as the product passes visual inspection, the smaller scale QA testing is considered representative. The QC testing protects the manufacturer and shows that there product is acceptable. The QA testing protects the customer and keeps the supplier honest by verifying the results. If the customer does no testing, what is there to verify the that the QC results are accurate?
To apply this to injectors: You are absolutely correct, if the products don't perform as advertised, then confidence will evaporate. The question is, how can the customer know that the product is performing as advertised. Just based on whether or not it runs good? That is certainly part of it. However, just because the truck runs fine doesn't mean the injectors flow as advertised, again speaking from personal experience. This is where independent testing is useful.