Rough running, codes etc...


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May 19, 2011
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Nate you have been great thru all of this with the info thru PM. I want people to know that you were in contact with me from the very first time I posted offering your assistance and letting me know if was anything injector related I would be taken care of.

I honestly think its going to be the number 2 injectors and my gut is telling me I likely did not get it seated properly for whatever reason. The washer was likely not crushed to create a proper seal. It is just as likely my inexperience as it is that something else. Just as Dave pointed out in his last post.

I will get you my mailing address.

Dave I want to thank you as well for offering up your tremendous wealth of experience in hunting down this issue. Thanks to everyone else that has helped me with this. 907Dave,DB, Vader, PowerJunkie, Chvrk, etc..

It is a bit sick that here I am on vacation having a good time and all I can think about wanting to do is get home and pull that injector to confirm the issue and get it running right. :rolleyes: Being able to go cruising in my X having it run smooth and "right" would be a good time for me.

It is very much as has recently been said in another thread. There is hardly every a build that does not have bugs that have to be worked out. I felt I was careful and yet I am still chasing some bugs that just seem to pop up.
May 18, 2011
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Bremen, Ohio
My guess is that the copper washer fell off the end when you went to put it in, and that the washer is to the side of the injector down in the bottom of the cup. We have seen this mistake a few times and people still manage to get the injector in and the bolt tightened down. Since the copper is not around the nozzle, it does not fully seat and allows combustion to go up through the nozzle opening in the head and burn the orange oring, thus allowing fuel to flow into the combustion chamber and hydrolock the engine.




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May 19, 2011
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Well all I can say is if that is what happened or regardless I am lucky that it held until I was driving it and lightly. If it had a chance to fill enough to lock the engine up I would be doing a lot more than pulling an injector and swapping some o-rings and a washer. I do hope that is all the issue there is. If I had bent a rod I think I would have been, well........


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May 18, 2011
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no, a copper failing is 100% from a mis installation...coppers don't fail...unless the installer jacked up the install.

AND the copper wasn't crushed...which would then allow the fuel in cyl...

but that's not a fault of the copper...nor the o-ring...thats an install problem.

What I was gettin at ^^^^

My attempts to be diplomatic about it apparently skewed my point.


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May 18, 2011
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So if the copper washer is mashed into the injector cup does the cup need to be replaced?


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May 18, 2011
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Verona VA
Fwiw i had an injector hang open last year, i could blow in the fuel inlet hole and it would come right out of the nozzle. But by the time it got to ohio it was no long hung open and nate couldn find anything wrong and thus far its still doing fine.


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May 19, 2011
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Well we will know for sure by Monday when I get home. Honestly I recall trying to seat the injector a few times and pulling it when it would not go fully in. I checked for the washer and it was there on the end of the injector. Now somehow could on the last attempt it had fallen sideways? Absolutely yes but that was not the original cause of it not seating correctly or I would think I would not have had a washer on the end when I pulled it during the process. But what I do know for sure is that it was my inexperience and the excitement of wanting to get it finished that ended up causing the situation I am currently in. With the experience some of you guys have I would have know that just because it looked to have reached the proper depth and could be tightened down the fact is was not popping in like the rest of the injectors had down when properly seated that there was an issue. Then I should have been looking for the reason for those issues. Such as pulling another injector back out and trying switching them to see if the issue followed the injector or the cylinder. So in the end I have no one to blame but myself.

But again I should have something more definitive once I get home and pull the injector.
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May 19, 2011
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Carefully inspect the injector cups.Might want to get a set of injector bore brushes to clean any carbon soot build up out of the bottom of the injector cups.
PM sent.


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May 19, 2011
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Ok it's monday, time to feed us lurkers. :)

No that would be this coming Monday. I wrote that on Monday night Tuesday morning LOL.

Its killing me I have to go thru a whole week trying to keep this off my mind so I can have a good time. I try to look for hopped up diesel trucks down here and talk to the owners to get my fix of not fixing my rig.

IF I had been down here this last weekend Pigeon Forge TN has this huge car show where people come from all over the country. I am sure some of the people on here know of it. Mainly classics and gassers but there are some very nice oil burners as well. This year the only date I could get for the place I wanted to stay at put us in the even after it ended. MAYBE NEXT YEAR.


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May 19, 2011
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Well I am finally home from the trip. When I got here on the front porch was a box with Unlimited Diesel logo on it. Nate had offered to send me a set of o-rings and washer for the injector. Opened it to find he did not send me a set for one injector but a complete set for all 8 injectors!!!

He was not even obligated to send me one set but offered it up and then ended up sending me all 8. It is that kind of customer service and support that keeps people customers for life.

Sincerely, Thank you Nate

Now if it will just stop pouring rain for a few hours tomorrow I will get the injector pulled and see what is up and get the o rings swapped out.

Big Bore

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May 22, 2011
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9000ft in the CO Rockies
Have fun Tarm, I have a set of new o-rings sitting here that I need to do, but I am afraid to tear into my truck right now, so I suffer with oil consumption.:doh:


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May 19, 2011
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LOL BigBore. I have with some things turned procrastination into a full on art form. LOL


Jun 4, 2011
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State of Jefferson
Well I am finally home from the trip. When I got here on the front porch was a box with Unlimited Diesel logo on it. Nate had offered to send me a set of o-rings and washer for the injector. Opened it to find he did not send me a set for one injector but a complete set for all 8 injectors!!!

He was not even obligated to send me one set but offered it up and then ended up sending me all 8. It is that kind of customer service and support that keeps people customers for life.

Sincerely, Thank you Nate

Now if it will just stop pouring rain for a few hours tomorrow I will get the injector pulled and see what is up and get the o rings swapped out.

Glad we could help!

Yah, Nate certainly goes above and beyond! I ordered a set of injectors from him a couple of weeks ago and I haven't even had the chance to put the first set in when a second full set of injectors gets delivered to the door!?! LOL Ummm, Nate, I appreciate it but...two for one sale??? :D

Have fun Tarm, I have a set of new o-rings sitting here that I need to do, but I am afraid to tear into my truck right now, so I suffer with oil consumption.:doh:

Tomorrow is my "tear into the truck day"...another adventure. Thanks for the thread TARM as I learned some things for my injector install. :thumbsup:
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May 22, 2011
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Waterford WI
Yes I agree. If I had not run the truck for the few days prior I likely would have been about 4 hours down the road when it went.

You have better luck than me, I had my injectors in for roughly 2mths an 4000mi before I took a 600mi trip to Tennessee. I got down there, did my stuff including running on BDP's dyno, an started heading back home when 1 of my copper washers failed. I still don't totally understand how it failed after being in for that long, maybe it wasn't quite fully seated. Hope that's your problem an it goes easy for ya. Mine did the exact same thing though, lots of white smoke an a loud tick coming from the topend


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Jun 9, 2011
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Surrey B.C.
I can one up ya. I had my injectors in for one oil change and something went through and worked its way through my whole fuel system. Did in all the plungers and barrels and all the nozzles. Then UPS proceeded to lose one injector and damage another. Delaying my whole project.

I will second TARM and say that Nate went above and beyond to fix them and deal with UPS.


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May 19, 2011
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Yep and I guess you were stuck on the side of the road. That suckes big time.

I think you are correct is that how much of a seal you got. Maybe it was a very small leak and thus the smaller the leak the longer its going to take to cut thru the o-ring.

But yet I had the EXACT same symptoms as you. White raw fuel smoke and tap/tick from the top of that cylinder.

Got all the tubes and vc off last night before the weather turned. Just got back in the house to go pull the injector. But I laid a straight edge at different angles on that injector solenoid across the others and it is certainly not the way it was went it went in.

Regardless if this injector had an issue or not its good I pulled the VC. The inside VCH connector was not flushly seated to the VC connector. About 1/16th out. Was not enough to have the ohms out of spec range testing from the IDM connector but I am sure it was working it way there.

I guess I should have taken the time to reinstall the factory retaining clips instead of going the quick route. Now I will likely go out and buy a set and do this side and then pull the other side down the road. Will replacing the GP on this side since I am in here.


That SUCKS!!! Sorry that happened to ya. I had enough things delay my project. Its interesting how something when you look at the actual work of putting in or taking out should only take a few days MAYBE a week ends up taking 6 months when you add in the missing this missing that. This got lost that did not come. Weather changes, Life's issues pop up. Its wonder it every really gets done. LOL LOL

I started this whole project and fully expected to have all of it done before last winter. That includes all the suspension tires trans gears etc as well as engine of course. Well here it is 6 months later an I have just about got all the kinks out of the engine mods nothing else. Trans is being shipped from BTS this week so should be here next week. Have to pick up 4.56 gears and kit. Then hopefully I can work out something with Marty to do the trans and gears as I can not do the trans here by myself without buying more tools. Gears I have never done and while can do them I am sure would prefer to see them done once in person first as I can not afford to have that get screwed up. Everything else has been sitting in my garage gather dust for far too long.

After this last hiccup, I can finally get to the suspension with 5" lift, BW cutout wheel flairs, and the 40x14.5x20 tire wheels that have been sitting in my garage for the last 9 month installed. LOL

Having an extra pair of hands especially if they are attached to long thin arms is a huge help. Having Popeye forearms and hands that do not fit in any mechanics gloves does not work well with working on these things. Example I can not even get my hand back in to remove that back VC bolt by the firewall. I can not force it in enough for even a finger to touch the head of the bolt let alone get the socket with wobble or universal joint adapter seated on it. Grrr It was a total shot int he dark till I got lucky deal. If my hand fit a wee bit smaller it would have taken only a few seconds instead of 15-20min of try try take a frustration break then try try repeat. LOL

I have been dragging my feet but I think I am finally gonna break down and get a topside creeper. My way to big gut will appreciate it.
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