I know, its hard to watch a new gen of 7.3 perf guys trudging thru all the same issues the guys that have been around of years have all gone thru and thru testings etc found the answers..
All I can say is the archives on here and PSN are your friend. Pay attention to the guys making the most power as well as the members from the top shops in those threads. Jason/HotRodTractor , Nate UDP, Dave /Golfer@ Swamps, Charles, Matt Mike/Blowby, Brian/PowerSmoker, gosh I am missing many, Zane and crew at old WOP, but its easy after some reading to know the guys that are heavy into actually testing and working mechanics figuring out the power combos etc. IT woudl be scary to see to total combined hours all the flow benches at these shops have on them from 7.3 testing
That is the benefit to reading the history; it will hopefully prevent you from redoing it all over again.