89 Stroker
Active member
Yea that is definantley changing.
Just FYI when you get home. Jack the trailer up and check the bearings. It is not uncommon for a trailer to have them loose even after someone "checks them".
I carry a temp guns with me and shoot the hubs and tires when I stop. If one is hotter than the rest time to see why.
WTF is cheeseball used in this context??? I've called someone a cheesed!ck and cheeseball before but to lift a trailer cheeseball?
Billy T.
[email protected]
got the beast home, truck towed it amazing! just need some rear bags and it will be great.
Holy ***kin balls....that so long it doesnt even look right.
Did you weight it while it was on there?
Kinda shocked you didn't get a 4x4 lol. Truck looks good!
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Yeah, the F150 thing I personally don't like...its just me as, yes, I still view them as "half tons". Yes, they are just as or more capable than the 3/4 & 1 tons of yesteryear.
We weren't talking about what I'd do, but since you brought it up, I'd buy the trailer of choice, hook it up to my woefully inadequate SRW pickup, load it with the toys, and head to the desert whenever it struck my fancy and never think twice about it. If I had a 20k trailer I pulled a few hundred miles once a year, I'd hook that b@stard up to my F250 and go. If I hauled it regularly, I'd probably step up to DRW.
If his desert toys are as light as he says, which I have zero reason not to believe, he'll be fine. Biggest thing I see, as dirt said, is turning that long rascal. That's gonna be an experience. I also have no idea how picky the dot are in CA when it comes to recreational use. If they're d!cks, a DRW might be cheaper.
I vehemently despise bumper pull anything. I hate the way they tow, and can only imagine how horrid it is to pull a 12k TT. Hope I never have to experience it.
I actually got this truck from a family member with money, who was buying a gas truck and didn't want it anymore so he gave it to me, the downside of it is no 4x4 and no power locks or Windows or anything.
It's not all that bad now I've got my hitch adjusted out. I was using 2 friction control bars but I ruined my older one so I'm just using one right now. I towed this weekend from Half Moon Bay to San Louis Obisbo this past weekend on the scenic hwy 1 in Cali. You just have to be up not he wheel more than with a DRW. But like I said it'll be the last pull behind I'll own and I'm planning on getting an 11-16 f450 for my pulling in the future. Still keeping my 01 though for dd and lighter towing.
Doesn't look that bad...
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