Big Bore
Active member
Does anybody know if the software will work on a mac?
If you install a Windows OS it will. That's how Curtis tunes my truck.
Does anybody know if the software will work on a mac?
Why is the ICP dropping? is it because you are calling for more pw without a change in rpm. Therefore the inj is using more oil without the hpop spinning faster to supply it.
The problem with dropping the MFD is it will effect base SOI, and will require a bit of reworking if we were to change it.
Otherwise I like where you are going, but my questions are still unanswered.![]()
I agree that without downshifting, your RPM's aren't spooling the turbo fast enough. Lot's of smoke and higher egt's.Are you getting smoke because you're putting too much fuel into the cylinder?
Pull back MFD a bit and while there's less fuel it can burn more effectively and efficiently creating a better burn leaving less smoke but also creating hotter gasses and spooling the turbo so that that cleans up the rest of it?
You said you haven't downshifted so for me that makes me think you are "under the turbo" so to speak. You are artificially creating the issue by commanding too much fuel. Pull it back and icp goes up, fuel burns better and hotter, turbo spools faster and the extra air allows the fuel to burn more completely resulting in a small puff and you merging successfully and hang on as the turbo lights
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Quit blaming your truck and start blaming your tuning. If that thing is smokey, it not cause your tires are too big, or your turbo is not the best....its cause you are injecting too much damn fuel for the condition.
So dave,
What's the issue that needs to be addressed to fix your hypothetical situation? Pull fuel back?
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
Timing, PW, ICP, MFD.
you would be suprised how well everything takes care of itself just scaling the pw map back to account for the increased volume of fuel from a modified injector at the same pressure and pw.
Leave the timing part alone for Dave's question. The answer is in the tables he posted. I struggled with this for a long time and once I was able to comprehend what is going on it made it easier to understand.
We will cover the timing aspect of it later. If you cant understand what the PCM is doing then you have no hope of tuning. It really is easy but you first have to understand what is going on!
For those still interested, I challenge you to go back to post #73 and tell me what the PW is in that situation.
I will give out a gold star to anyone who can tell me this, and then make a guess at what happens if we were to lower PW in that area.
The values on the ICP scale on the PW table did not make sense, or did not match anything I could correlate them to on the other two tables. My guess is 3.8 ms.
My WAG for the result of lowering PW is, since you have a mass fuel desired, if you lower the PW, the PCM will bump ICP to meet the commanded mass fuel desired? Injecting the same amount of fuel in a narrower window and higher pressure will hit the bowl better and atomize better?