Nice work guys! We are not quite finished with fueling as there are a few more ways of adding and removing fuel by use of limiters and multipliers.
First limiter is the Fuel Limit vs. RPM.
This one is pretty strait forward, the vertical is mg/stroke and horizontal is RPM.
This is the Low Boost Fuel map.
I cannot say I completely understand this map, but it is suppose to limit mg/stroke by comparing boost pressure and RPM. I feel this map is more of a delay, but cannot say for sure. Bottom left is boost and bottom right is RPM.
Pulse width Multiplier.
This map in stock form is used to increase PW when the engine is cold and uses ICP (bottom left) and EOT(bottom right) to determine how much fuel needs to be added. The outcome is multiplied by "base" PW to determine total PW. Typically the aftermarket uses this map to add fuel when the engine is at operating temp and ICP is high. This is the best way to add fuel because it reduces the chances of YOU harming the engine when you try to lay down the powah when the engine is cold. Also its great because you can easily add fuel when ICP is up (helps keep smoke under control).
Here's a modified version over top of a stocker.
Here is the Adder to Pulse width Multiplier
This map is where you get your de-fuel. Boost bottom left (in Kpa) and RPM lower right. Typically this map gets all zero's in a modified program.